So I'm a Vanguard, and I've never had much interest in PvP until now. I've joined an LD guild, and I would like to get better. So just basic info on how to GIT GUD basically. I am absolutely atrocious at LD though.
New LD player
Mon, 01/04/2016 - 18:29
Tue, 01/05/2016 - 10:00
Don't take advice from people here, for starters. I'm not gonna write a novel, but the basics of improving are:
- Get gear, trinkets especially.
- Learn to shield cancel.
- If you die, ask yourself why you're dying. How could you avoid that?
- Observe the patterns your enemies make so that you can avoid being caught in them and punish them for being predictable.
- Likewise, don't fall into predictable patterns. It'll make your enemies' lives a lot easier.
- Stay on the damn point during fights unless you're defending and the point is fully capped. It'll help you do so many caps and defends.
how to git gud:
git gud m8