Is Tier 1 lockdown still dead?
:( The good old days
A few months ago someone said "Sign up for T1 LD!" in Haven zone chat, soon after T1 LD was active for an hour or so.
T1 LD CAN be active, it's just that nobody cares enough to try to get match going.
Yeah back when you couldn't see how much health your allies had if they happened to have a vitapod in tier 3. Also, on my laptop I need to shift my gaze literally ~3 inches further to see the top left of the screen than to the bottom of the screen. It takes me less than a blink of an eye to do that. It takes longer to think "I wish my health bar was somewhere else" than it does to move your eyes to the top left of the screen and back. Better yet, move the screen a few inches further from your face so you can use peripheral vision.
Schizophrenia hosted a couple parties with T1 Lockdown and it seems you're not alone. Admittedly, you can't just jump into a random match on a whim. However you can probably prearrange matches. You might even get an infinite match going.
Traev you still don't know if your teammates have Vitapods. The pips actually showed how much HP bars they had, though I admit there could have been some extension to it by adding silver/gold colors. As for your argument on the position of the health for yourself, you could virtually stare at your character and still know how much HP you had left since it was on the bottom and very close to your character's position. The top-left area is, imo, not the best place to have HP situated.
The old UI wasn't perfect, but the new one certainly isn't either. I still prefer the old one, both aesthetically and usefully. And I still stand by this. But that's a different discussion - Vanaduke pretty much answered this topic.
The UI, back when it was actually GOOD. Now you have to shift your eyes all the way to the top-left to see your health, when before you could simply shift your eyes down a little bit.