what is better? joystick or mosue and keyboard?
joystick or mosue an keyboadrd
Playing with controller+mouse for the reasons Holy just gave; it's the best possible control scheme.
I don't need smoother movement.
I just need LMB to Walk Forward.
The game doesn't really work as a twin stick shooter, I believe you need high fire rate in order to overcome the low aim precision which is something the game generally lacks.
For basically everything except shooting an alchemer, I prefer gamepads. For the other guns, bullets are large enough to hit even with the aim being a little off.
It may not be more 1337pr0, but it's a ton comfier.
Still need mouse ready to navigate that menu, though.
What about one of dem Steam Controllers?
That could possibly be better.
As for me though, I just use a gamepad with the left analog stick both moving and aiming. It's easier for me that way.
Just need a button for Auto-Target that is easy to press. :)
Am I the only one who finds the spelling here atrocious? Let me correct the title:
Joystick or mouse and keyboard?
I can sort of understand this a little because you probably don't understand english, but please check your spelling when you use a language you don't know.
Was that worth waking a pretty-much-dead thread? You got way too much time on your hands man.
I'd actually use a combination if possible
Mouse makes aiming so much easier but with just a keyboard your movement directions are limited to just 8 directions, having a joystick for movement would allow for smoother control