I am currently a 17 year old senior in high school with almost 2 years of java coding under my belt from the IB computer Science program
I know there is a legitimate way to contact you guys when it comes wanting to work on this game/team but I just trying to post this on the thread because it has shown nothing but real negativity lately...
Although I don't have much to show for it now I have been working on programming my own app that is spiral knights theme that takes some influences from the Mario and Luigi RPG series and the Steven Universe Attack the Light app game...
This idea I haven't even started on is a FPS spiral knight game focusing on the Isorian war
I would help on the current projects that you are working on the game before trying to implement anything that I would like add into the gate
the things I would like to implement if I was on the development team of three rings
login bonuses(over a month's time?)
-of small amounts of crowns
-event based materials(during events of course)
-and maybe rarely small amounts of energy
swords based around the fang of Vog
-tears of dust - freeze (diamond dust)
-blood of venom - poison
-fangs of plasma - shock
-soul of Hex -curse
-body of daze - stun
-Dreams of Hypnos -sleep
*these weapons would correspond with the different entities that they are named after and would be found in levels (deep within the clockworks) focusing their respective status effect
(-could have some relation to The Sleeper?)
expanding Haven
- adding an area which lead to the Recon rangers headquarters
-adding a legitimate Spiral order headquarters
- adding a general mess hall?
*Mess hall idea update*
I though about the mess hall being a place where through the encouragement of Biscotti a group of villagers would begin selling knights food and making food to knights and their battle sprites
this would add a new consumables table to the inventory
the basic foods would just heal health
while others would add buffs for level/period of time
this would have the basics of defense, attack, and speed
while having
short regeneration
status effect defense buff
shorter battle sprite waiting time
and damage bonuses to different enemies
this all would be manage by the same hunger bar battle sprites have so that you can't just stack up on a bunch of buffs to be OP
you could go to the mess hall to buy the changing rooster of foods
- the rare free sample may happen if you stop by!
or you can bring materiel to pay for you own specific order
-news/info center?
-a place where arcade themed mission are(think of it like Pokemon mystery dungeon boards)
- place where it's assume where knights without guilds go
- and have the area leading up to have open up just for some small exploration?
bringing back/revamping sleep
the sleep status effect would be separated into 3 sub sleep status
-Knightmare(also the name of a ghost/sleep themed enemy?) - m
this is when a knight can't move and is having Night terrors so bad that they'll take damage and wake up quickly because of it
this over rules good knight's sleep
-good knight's sleep - is a rare chance
this is when a knight can't move but still some how manages to have some rest and relaxation but will be most likely interrupted by some rude enemies who have no respect for the sanctity of sleeping
-sleep walking - an uncommon chance of occurring
this is when a knight are in a very deep sleep but their will to fight struggles against sleeping
- causes random/inverted controls and actions
prestige missions which are based around using the lock down classes
-recon would clearly be stealth focus and would have an instant kill enemy be called if the players are spotted to hunt them down and must be avoided for some time
*Could even have an Apocrea themed level for the Shroud of Apocrea event
bounty hunter/rare material excavator
missions that involved going through arcade levels to retrieve certain items or eliminate certain enemies on certain depths..
Guild missions
these missions can only be accessed if the player is in a guild and can only be accompanied by guild members
Guild gates
a single gate that can be explored by members in a guild who bought the gate guild expansion
- the gate would require a large amount of minerals just to keep running and to effect the result of what levels that are down below (like before)
*this could re implement now impossible achievements and maybe the old healing mechanic
advance battle sprite skill tree and the "normal battle sprite"
this would just expand on the choices of ultimate skills
also expands changing how sprites look as they were in prize boxes(those who bought the sprites before this update would receive compensation)
give each sprite 2 status element skill tree
Maskeraith- posion/curse
Seraphynx- freeze/sleep
the Normal battle sprite would have a default of stun but can be changed to any of the battle status elements as they are the most effective in this state
battle sprite accessories
because battle sprites like fashion too and need their to express their individuality!
battle sprite fusions
this was somewhat inspired by Nick's old 10 things list which had something about knights had the abilities by transformation or something like that
It is where a knight and battle sprite can fuse together for a time being (like something from the dragon ball series, Steven Universe's gem fusion, or even that of the Megaman battle network 6 cross soul... anyone?)
this would cause a change in the knight's soul and aura to match their battle sprite, this would also cause their armor and weapons to change as well
-giving a large amount of changes based on the weapons and armor already out their...
-based on the battle sprite and the ultimate skill set it has it could cause different perks and disadvantages
- would require a crystal made from minerals for fusion to occur
an "official guild" focusing on battle sprite
-called battle sprite fighters
and (have a motto going: We are the battle sprite fighters!!! WE FIGHT ALONG OUR BATTLE SPRITES)
- would have 4 Guild Masters (one of them being Morlin?)
-would have a training hall where knights would do mission that would have them use only their battle sprites (some including battle sprite fusions?)
- could have a King Krogmo's Coliseum PvP and PvE mini games which are all focused around only using battle sprites and could even have leaders boards
-could give more information about Battle sprite fusions and how they work
-would have more "E-class battle sprites" and other varieties moving around the guild(which would then later be released as furniture for guild halls to use?)
-give bombs a non charge attack that has a smaller radius/duration of status effect then compared to charged bomb attacks
-knights can place 2 to 3 bombs before having to grab more from where ever they are storing them
fighting the corruption/swarm things
(this is an event? or prestige mission) in which the swarm is spreading throughout the clock works,(because of Herex?) and knights must venture down into the arcade to eliminate the threat at the source
- might involve making keys out of minerals to open these swarm infested area
- have Grantz still be alive and now a puppet of the swarm
- Grantz as acting as said puppet would be kidnapping knights to be forced under the influence of the swarm (Knights of the swarm)
-introduce an old gremlin who was apart of the nine but was overthrown by Seerus under the claims that he was a traitor to the crimson order
*he would be the founder of emberlight...
-have certain missions which would involve the arcade levels down below...
More armor
- just those similar released from the gunner update except for swords and guns
More weapons
-just some swords and bombs to match some of the guns brought in from the gunner up date
An Isorian war Expansion
this would be an Expansion like OCH, but would start out with 4 knights where it can be a combination of players and NPCs based on the number of players in the party, these knights would all be sitting by a camp fire, in a clockwork tunnel or Aurora Isles level at night, they then has a "flashback" or tell a war legend in which you play as the character the knights are talking about.
-would help flesh out the lore
more furniture/statues
- statues based on battle sprites
-statues based on common enemies( and the ones built onto bigger ones are just more enemies in a cool pose or something)
-statues based on mini bosses (tortodrones, Apocrea, Black Kat, etc)
-basically more statues of everything in game
- I would like to add Owlite based furniture
- walking "tamed" enemies walking around guild halls
easter eggs
-on the wiki if anyone types -H in the search bar it would lead to a secret page about Herex's movement in some propaganda sort of way
- random nick slime that might appear on the slime page
I know this is all impossible for just one new person to bring and I'm sorry if i just wasted your time for reading this...
but I still hope to add something to this game ... if I was on the team... so hire me when I going onto college or something please
(there is more relating to bosses but I've think I have written enough for now... I'll update this if needed based on input or if I remember anything)
The problems is when you are actually qualified to accomplish these things, SK would probably be dead.