In case you don't know what the project is, you can check this thread and go to the GitHub link there:
I need help with coding. The language is Java, of course. I'm starting to have to dive into stuff I'm having trouble with. I'll give you more details if you're interested.
August - Idea started, converting only XML exported by Spiral Spy
September - Started learning about the .DAT format for SK
October - Got Clyde, Narya, Nenya, and Vilya and tried to run it. Brutally failed.
November - Month-long break
December - Got back into it, downloading many sources. The second half of the month I changed those sources to .JAR files to improve speed. Got .DAT conversion working. Textures were a problem.
January - Still working on the same thing: Textures.
I don't believe you'll have much luck finding assistance as there are very little users who still visit this forum and know Java. Hope you find an assistant though.