Greetings Spiral Knighters. Let me first say I never even heard of this game, except MAYBE once, before I saw it on Steam. The fact it reminded me so much of Torchlight was the only reason I downloaded it. I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw when I actually downloaded the game and booted it up. The game isn't all that huge, a plus in so many ways. Combat was pretty standard, the music was very retro, and equally very awesome. The map didn't expand, or have icons for NPCs, so I felt my way around old school style. Not a deal breaker, if anything it just added more to the flavor of the game.
Now, it's about this time I actually began to pay attention to the simple UI I had around me. I had my tiny lil Zelda-style healthbar, made it so much easier to keep track of. My mana points or whatnot, always a good sign, though I saw some abilities in the trailer I can only thing were combo or gun related. There's also this meter in the right hand corner-...
Oh dear God no.
My heart started to race as I looked at the screen. It said 96, had a little meter, and had "ENERGY" written in bright letters on it.
"Eff my life", I said, recalling the horrors of DFO and Elsword, both which I had left behind. Sure enough, I clicked on it, and read EVERYTHING about energy. It tied to crafting, resurrection... and... being able to dungeon.
"Welp, this'll be a quick uninstall..." I said to myself, figuring the game was going to be boring as hell. I ran into the newbie dungeon, which had a glowing "5" in blue on the Elevator. That's whenever five fingers on my hand began to clench. Anyway, I dropped in, and it auto-found me a party.
I charged in, and... I had fun. It was weird. I did the dungeon, popped out, and I ran to the entrance to the Haven dungeon. Did that dungeon, got to Haven. All the while I warmed up to Pistols, which looked like over-glorified Super Soaker pistols (my nephew has a set of water pistols that look JUST LIKE THEM). I delved into one of the dungeon on the furthest to the left in the Arcade... we did the arena. The entire arena. We got so wrecked, but me and this other guy were goofing off and "Oh shat!" into our mics. It was a glorious time, though I curse whoever didn't put a Push To Talk button in this game.
After draining my entire bar on resurrections and dungeon content (about 8 - 9 levels, or in this case, about 2 hours), I popped back out, bought me some new gear with my newly found wealth, and... I sighed. I had this great new sword. Now I can't try it out. It's then I shut the game off, and went back to Vindictus, which closed an hour and a half later for the Karok update.
What's the point to this story exactly? The game is insanely fun, no matter how simple it is. It has a lot of what I wanted. Customizable "Costume" sets, and a set you use for armor. You don't HAVE to look like a clown to get good stats. The game was cartoonish in design, but cute, rather than nausea-inducing anime style (like so many Korean games). It reminded me more of a mini version of PSO, but with CASTs, and no other races. The only killer: Energy.
I'm sorry, I just couldn't stand behind the game. It's that one flaw. I either had to suck it up and by energy with in-game money (which I didn't have), real cash (which brought out the genuine "eff off" from me, like the games I mentioned earlier), or wait it out. It was a fun lil time waster... better than most games I've played, honestly! But... I just can't stand behind a game that has a fatigue system. That is the ONLY THING I CAN KNOCK IT FOR. Otherwise this game is INSANELY fun.
Just like Nexon is doing, I hope Three Rings has the good conscience to remove the fatigue system, or at least make it so energy isn't required for dungeoning. I can easily see Energy being used for resurrect, and for crafting. I am PERFECTLY alright with that. I am not, however, alright with my time playing being limited. Still, I hold hope for the (near) future. I say near, because even with the blitz system, I probably won't return to DFO. You never know, but this is a killing factor for literally any game for me. Sorry if that upsets anyone, as I know some really love the system.
Unfortunately, 2 hours just isn't enough for me. Sorry folks. It's the only flaw I could find in the game, but it's just way too huge...
Get to Tier 2 and come back complaining then. In Tier 2 you can play the game basically infinitely without paying a dime. Just don't get crafting happy.