Hi im looking to sell most of my accessories and costumes check inventory if interested
http://steamcommunity.com/id/eddiefresh86/ (Profile)
https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=76884242&token=6gse0oe- (Trade offer)
Other Shops to check out:
Combuster CTR H-ASI VH
Heavy Node Slime Crusher
Regal Node Slime Crusher
Sold OUT
Sold OUT
Blazebreak Helm Volcanic Extra Vertical Vents-Volcanic Round shades-Volcanic Long Feather
Snarbolax Coat Sprinkle Aura-Mewkat Moster Pocket-Celestial Cat Tail
Vitasuit Deluxe Grasping Aura-Crest of Curse
Sentinel Armor Sunshine Aura- Floating Opals
Regal Node Slime Wall
Blazing Cloak
Blazing Plate Mail
Candy Stripped Onesie
Cool Node Slime Mask
Cool Spiraltail Mail
Cool Stately Cap
Cool Stranger Cap
Dazed Culet
Dazed Winged Helm
Diamond Plate Helm
Divine Node Slime Guards
Divine Node Sliime Mask
Dusky Node Slime Guards
Dusky Node Slime Mask
Dusky Spiraltail Mail
Dusky Spiraltail Mask
Dusky Stranger Hat
Electric Splash Trunks
Fancy Node Slime Guards x2
Fancy Node Slime Mask x5
Fancy Stranger Cap
Fancy Stranger Robe
Festively Striped Onesie x2
Fiery Fowl Cowl
Firestorm Raider Tunic
Frosty Crescent Helm
Galactic Guardian Vest
Garish Winter Pullover x3
Gaudy Winter Pullover
Glacial Cloak
Glacial Fur Cap
Glacial Fur Coat
Glacial Gremlin Helmet
Glacial Mecha Helm
Glacial Onesie
Glacial Snooze Night Cap
Glacial Splash Trunks
Glacial Stranger Hat x2
Hazardous Node slime Guards
Heavy Node Slime Guards x4
Heavy Node Slime Mask x7
Heavy Stranger Cap
Heavy Stranger Robe x2
Holly Striped Onesie
Hunter Culet
Hunter Gold Buckled Coat x2
Jack O' Bombhead Mask
Military Node Slime Guards x2
Military Node Slime Mask x4
Military Pullover
Military Stranger Robe
Obsidian Hood Of Influence
Obsidian Hood Of Rituals
Obsidian Mantle Of Influence
Obsidian Mantle Of Sight x2
Peridot Flack Jacket
Peridot Winged Helm
Polar Night Warden Hood
Polar Twilight Wolf Coat
Regal Node Slime Guards x4
Regal Node Slime Mask x3
Regal Stranger Robe x2
Ruby Round Helm
Slumber Fur Cap
Tabard of the Garnet Rose
Tabard of the Moonstone Rose
Tacky Winter Pullover x2
Toasty Field Cap
Toasty Spiraltail Mail
Volcanic Node Slime Guards x2
Volcanic Node Slime Mask x3
Volcanic Spiraltail Mail
Wicked Brigandine x2
Wicked Flak Jacket x3
Wicked Pith Helm x3
Wicked Round Helm
Wicked Scale Mail
Wicked Tailed Helm
Wicked Winged Helm
True Love Locket
Dawn Bracelet
Crimson Personal Color
Green Personal Color
Green Winterfest Gift box x5
Red Winterfest Gift box
White Winterfest Gift box x5
Yellow Personal Color
Sprite Gear:
Maskeraith Pod (Punkin)
Maskeraith Pod (Volcanic) x2
Arcane Halo
Arctic Pauldrons
Cool Bomb Bandolier
Cool Goggles
Cool Headbands x2
Cool Headlamp
Cool Party Hat
Cool Plume
Cool Sealed Pauldrons
Dangerous Maedate
Diamond Headband
Diamond Wolver Tail x3
Divine Cat Tail
Divine Party Blowout
Divine Party Hat x2
Divine Tergeting Module
Divine Wings
Dusky Binoculars
Dusky Headband
Dusky Knight Vision Goggles
Dusky Party Blowout
Dusky Plume
Dusky Spiraltail
Fancy Canteen
Fancy Goggles
Fancy Node Receiver
Fancy Party Hat x2
Fancy Pipe x3
Fancy Plume
Fancy Wide Vee
Fancy Writhing Tendrils
Floating Diamonds x3
Frosty Mech'tennas
Hallow Com Unit
Hallow Headband
Hallow Plume
Hallow Ribbon
Heavy Flower x2
Heavy Headband
Heavy Maid Headband
Heavy Pipe
Heavy Spiralhorns
Heavy Tageting Module
Heavy Wide Vee
Hunter Dust Bunnny Tail
Lovely Dapper Combo
Lovely Devious Horns
Military Binoculars
Military Game Face
Military Goggles
Military Mech'tennas
Military Party Hat
Military Ribbon
Military Spiraltail
Polar Devious Horns
Polar Mustache
Prismatic Flower
Prismatic Heavenly Halo
Prismatic Node Container
Regal Binoculars
Regal Headband x2
Regal Mech'tannas
Regal Node Container x2
Regal Node Receiver x2
Regal Plume
Regal Side Blade
Regal Vitakit
Sprinkle Aura
Tails Tails
Toasty Binoculars
Toasty Flower
Toasty Headlamp x2
Toasty Plume x2
Toasty Sealed Pauldrons
Vanilla Snipe Perch x2
Verdant Devious Horns
Volcanic Gremlin Goggles
Volcanic Party Blowout
Volcanic Slimed Aura
Volcanic Wise Whiskers
Volcanic Wolver Tail
Black Lazy Gobblesnipe x5
Brown Lazy Gobblesnipe x3
Gold Lazy Gobblesnipe x4
TF2 keys available 0
CSGO keys available 15 (20 available 11-19-17)
feel free to offer on any item in my inventory on this post, I check daily
**all trades are final no refunds
Sent you a friend invite on steam, want to buy some of your stranger costumes.