I'm a bit pissed right now
all of us loyal fans have been waiting and hoping for months even years for a weapon update armor update ANYTHING i get that they release new prize boxes but it's pretty much the same thing every time. I think we deserve at least something there are so many cool things the community has created just look at some of the artwork in the community hub. Or even a new event would be great you should keep your players excited for new things and the game is getting so dull now why not release a new sprite type? wouldn't take that long i just think that it's not a lot to ask for some new swords/guns/armor or missions a new haven layout or maybe actually fix your BROKEN TEXTURES *sigh*.Honestly i love this game and don't want it to die but it probably is i'm just a single person the mods probably don't give a **** anymore and are just using this game as a cash grab i wish they'd sell the game to a active company so we could get some new content. -Pix
Updates anytime soon?
The mods don't own the game.
Sega (the same Sega that makes sonic, and used to be Nintendo's #1 competitor) is. And you know what? They don't give a [happy marshmellow] about Spiral Knights.
The game is understaffed, the few GMs that we know don't actually program it.
The chances of a new update are rather low.
Unless you or your friends are a coder and want to submit you resume and join the OOO team, I don't know what to tell you. (This last one... IDK)
...i'm just a single person...
Not really. This is one of the most popular topics for threads these days. Many players have made threads like this. Good luck.
None of us actually know. It would be great of Aphrodite could chime in with an answer, since as Bopp said this is one of the most asked questions.
The updates we get are rather rare now-a-days, but I think that's more a symptom of a not-too-well-known, 5 year old MMO running on java with a low amount of development staff. While I'm sure we'd all eat up new content if it were produced, it isn't just a snap of the fingers to bring new content into existence.
Honestly, the day we get player-directly-affecting-the-game features back is the day the game will live on for much longer instead of just being another RNG MMO.
Before Nick jumped ship he said a range of things were "planned" like a new tier 3 boss, there was a lot of promises made dreams for the future of the game but with Nick the driving force gone sega just doesn't care about SK anymore. Its safe to assume we aren't gonna get anything else, the gunner update was 2 years ago and everything since has been cosmetics. They are squeezing the last few coins out of the player base before shutting up shop. Enjoy what time you have left and look back fondly on the heydays when things were simpler but we still held that excitement in our hearts. 5 years is a pretty good result I would say.
Its been fun, it really has but its time to let it go guys.
Its safe to assume we aren't gonna get anything else, the gunner update was 2 years ago and everything since has been cosmetics.
The gunner update was 14 months ago. Since then we've received two sets of new rank missions, including a good source of Radiants, which was one of the major complaints.
I'm not saying that the game is updated enough. But let's just be clear about the facts.
Well, that's not entirely true. Back in May of last year we got the 10-2 rank missions update.
But yeah, content updates aren't exactly speedy. Not calling doom on this because people have been saying doom since forever, but it's not exactly frequent.
The company is not understaffed, they have enough people to produce proper updates. The company chose to stop allocating employees for working on SK, they work on mobile apps instead. That's a big difference.
If only right? All we can do is hold our breath..