I stopped playing SK because I don't like playing it on AG. I afraid it's gonna be gone someday and I can do a lot more thing with steam linked to it, so I tried checking out the forum and found a solution that I can click on the account information in the game and it'll pop up a login page which I can see the account ID name and try to login. Now this is where it gets complicated, I read that the password is my AG account password but when I entered my password, it's incorrect. So I wanna ask if I can recover the password or not so I can convert/link my account to steam.
I suspect that it might be that the password is just not my AG account password or that I've changed my password before I start playing SK.
I do know the username(?) I can see that the username exists but I can't recover the password because when I entered the username it keeps saying that "The username you supplied is invalid. Usernames may consist only of letters, numbers, non-sequential underscores and may not start or end with an underscore. Please check the username and submit your request again." even though the account got the " : " in the username, and neither can I recover my username because It seems like the mail they used to register isn't mine.
please let me know if I can recover the password or not, thank you
How to convert AG spiral knight account to steam?
the doctor who: worlds in time game still shows up on armorgames, and thats been shut down quite awhile ago
im sure sk will stay there even if the servers shut down too
I don't know, but I did a Google search for "transfer account armor games spiral knights site:forums.spiralknights.com" (without the quotation marks) and found several threads about this. They didn't seem to have much useful information, but they all ended with contacting technical support. Try that? And come back here to let us know what the solution is? Good luck.
Well, TLDR for me, but anyone care about Sandwich-Potato?
Contact support and see if they can help, most likely they'd move it to a regular account and then you can connect it to Steam yourself.
@Avenger, I've actually tried that solution a number of times over the course of a year, every few months when I've remembered Spiral Knights. Either I consistently screwed up with my half-assed programming knowledge, or it doesn't work. That said, someone I linked that to claimed it worked for them, but they never commented again, so eh.
Basically, that solution hasn't worked great for me.
Since I have a similar problem, I figure I'll just contact support.
They likely patched the Sandwhich Potato method out, as playing on a normal client and another one has had some.................... interesting side effects in the past.
The GMs have the ability to transfer your knight but they typically don't do that. Fortunately for you, the game is so unbearably brimming with life that people like Aeria Games are dropping support for it due to the overabundant enthusiasm for prize boxes coming from their players. So just wait for a few more players to join and for the playerbase to get a bit more too healthy and Armor Games will probably drop you, then contact a GM again, since it's worth a shot now as well.
Support portal- http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Support_Portal
I did actually contact support, and although they had an extremely fast response (within hours), the response was an unfavourable one — they can't do it.
To quote the body of their response directly:
I'm afraid we won't be able to help in this case. Only regular - so called web
accounts - which were created through our website, can be converted to Steam.
And this can also only be done once per account. It's not possible to convert
an account from another affiliate (Armorgames, Kongregate, Aeriagames) to
Try bribing them with money. If I were a GM I'd totally break the rules for like 30 bucks.
ask them to change it to a web account then move it to Steam yourself.
Just tried that! Support gets back really fast, literally within two hours.
Ofc, it was a NG.
Here's a copy of the body of the reply.
I'm sorry, but it's not possible to convert your account into a different type
of account, nor can we transfer knights from our affiliates' accounts.
If you don't want to use this account you should be able to move over all your
crowns and CE to a Spiral Knights account created on our website. You can also
move over any unbound items and items that Vise unbinds for you. While
expensive, it would allow you to transfer over your favorite items.
I'm half inclined to just start over and ditch all my 5* (and event/cosmetic) gear, and half inclined to just stop.
Anyhow, since I've derailed this more than enough, @OP I don't think you can access Spiral Knights through Steam that way. I've certainly tried, but it usually comes up with a connection error (to Armor Games servers), even if you get the authtoken and Id right, and if you're using your regular AG login, it'll probably come up as incorrect password/username like you said.
Hexzyle, Bopp, or someone else would probably know the how, but I can at least tell you that you CAN put your knight on steam.
I've seen how, and if you searched the forum you could find a thread on it, (I'm too lazy right now)