Accidently sold the most valuable helm in the game.
Wed, 02/10/2016 - 22:36
There I was, out and about in my guild hall, and got the urge to play Lock Down. So I go down to Basil, in my Guild Hall, and ask for some amount of crowns in exchange for some Grave Soil.
Little do I know I clicked on my Black Kat Cowl before I ended the transaction.
So yes, I vended my BKC to Basil completely on an accident. This isn't a technical issue, it's more like an I-messed-up issue.
Is there any way I can get my Black Kat Cowl back? I don't want to hunt for a book that has a 0.5% chance of dropping from an enemy that appears 1% of the time.
Please help me!!
Ask the game masters via support ticket. This is one of the few things they give you some form of legitimate, honest help for, so you're in luck.