So yesterday, I ran the kat prestige mission. Ran into a randomized black kat in the final arena! Fun right?
Well, no, not exactly. Turns out black kats spawned into the prestige mission final arenas do not drop anything, regardless of if they are randomly spawned in.
In every kat prestige mission you fight 2 black kats in the final arena. One in wave 2, one in wave 3. See, yesterday I fought 2 in wave 3.
Fast forwards to today, where I fight 2 black kats in waves 2 and 3. Guess what? Both these randomized ones dropped nothing.
Unless there's been a change recently, I'm calling shenanigans on these spawns. Been cheated out of 5 black kats so far this event. fml
You lose your ability for random token drops in order to get a guaranteed drop at the end. I think that's relatively fair.