LD error

5 replies [Last post]
Good-Spirit's picture

I don't know if anyone even reads this thread anymore, or if this is actually the beginning of the end but...

Myself and a few friends tried, and we can't get into LD.

An error has occurred on the server

Saltyrockmonkey's picture

get this noticed. Maybe its maintenance for the bad connection it has sometimes.

Good-Spirit's picture

Maybe the people in charge only check on it once a month - or they just left it alone and figured it'd either feed itself or starve to death

Gianor's picture

This blows.

Good-Spirit's picture

Way to be on top of things SK team. You guys are all about the instant response to critical issues of your player base.

/slow clap


I know an explanation would be going too far above and beyond. Communication with us lowly people about some sort of non-existent error? ...scratch that. Communication about anything game related?


Gianor's picture
What do you mean!?!?!

They'll be glad to let us know when the all new Topaz prize boxes come out.