Cannot start Sprial knights, only shows a inactive Blackscreen UPDATED CAUSE[Temporary fix found.]
I've tried multiple ways to start up spiral knights, and all it gives me, is a blackscreen, no sound, no audio, and when I click on it, its says not responding.
Not responding, close program and you know the gist.
Aorus X7 V2
GTX 860M sli,
16GB ram
RAID 0 drive (two SSD)
Updated to the latest version of java.
Version 8 Update 73
Hosted on steam client and Pc client, neither one works properly. (Steam-version worked once)
I've tried using Nvidia settings a lot, and I haven't been able to get a stable result.
I had only on instance to get it working properly, I have no idea what the settings are, but I've reseted them towards global.
I do not use nvidia optimus.
I deactivated steam overlay(was not the issue at all when working properly)
I deleted leftover files(moved to recycling bin)
Reverted all changes to global default, for spiral knights.
Is there any dedicated way or optimal way to play this game without issues or is there something I haven't tried?
Good news, fixed it, it turns out using a xbox one elite controller, while starting up the game causes this issue.
I can't seem to use any xbox one controller, for my game...
Apparently, if you connect multiple controllers, EX two xbox one controllers, you can disconnect one, and allow the other to be used to play the game.