Eh, saying the game is dying probably won't do much, so why not try something constructive for a change?
The question is in the title.
Eh, saying the game is dying probably won't do much, so why not try something constructive for a change?
The question is in the title.
-Tier 4
-New monsters
-Remove CE fee from Shadow Lairs and move them on T4, or heavily reduce the fee (400ce for a key) and keep them at depth 23 adding 4 new bosses for the T4
-Rebalancing the Radiant Crystals drop rate
-Making Vitapods and vials droppable again, allowing sharing health to revive while removing the free revive (this would incentivise the teamwork)
-Improving server stability while adding weekly/monthly rewards for the best PvP players/guilds
That said, SEGA has proved that is not willing to resurrect this game but to milk it 'till it dies.
Love you knights.
A new tier would add a lot of work for little gain. Late-game players will just rush through it easily, while newer players will not enjoy grinding even further after 5*. Try starting from scratch again and tell me if you want more 4* and 5* grinding. A new tier would just make it worse.
Shadow Lair fees are fine for late-game players. If you can't afford 450 E per person, then you probably aren't ready for an SL run.
Personally I just want player-made content. Let us do the work to make more levels for you.
Add numerous incentives to play the clockworks more such as:
- Implement many more level pieces to existing levels
- Add new level types
- Add a greatly expanded weapon /armor selection over time only available at Basil, expand his selection to (marginally) favor unbought recipes
- New monsters
- More rng elements to make it more random, such as weather effects (rain being a random element and not just on a few select levels, making shock worse, expanding puddle sizes, etc. + other weather and random occurrences that are more frequent on higher difficulties)
- Alter the Hall of Heroes prices to be higher but unbound, and instead keep Basil the base price to incentivize clockwork travel to get recipes over HoH
- Add version of the clockwork tunnels' danger gates to all (or most) level types (aside from the set/non-random levels) to make them on par with clockwork tunnels and more fun.
- Mini bosses, more common on higher difficulties
- Gate manipulation back, possibly not though crystals
- Make boss runs through the clockworks more rewarding than playing them through the mission version
- More bosses (1 more T1, 1 more T3)
All a dream ofc, but I've never had the opportunity to dump all this after being inactive for a year or two and just coming back.
- Champion monsters similar to how black kats spawn, but for each monster type, and practically unseen on normal, but about as common as a black kat on elite (this would be fairly often considering each monster will have one) They'd drop a little extra goodies, and maybe something like "champion tokens" (rare) that can be used to get a couple new neat things
In what way more content would make the game worse?
By your logic, Traevelliath, WoW should be totally dead by now.
In what way more content would make the game worse?
In the exact way that Trav explained.
Tier 4 would mean two new star levels. This means more gear per star level, more crafting (recipe prices would be hella expensive with 5* being 25k. Energy costs for orbs would also likely be in the thousands), more heating and collecting fire crystals...
Tell me how many players would be patient and willing enough to do all of this. On top of that you have earlier tier balance issues, tier 4 lockdown splitting the playerbase up even more... All of this in exchange for running the same levels with the same monsters (albeit a bit harder).
That's how "more content" would make the game worse.
That isn't to say I don't want more content in the game, far from it, but a full tier 4 following tier 3 would be counterproductive. The artificial tier 4 in shadow lairs, however, is an example of good design. If we simply had a few depths like those following tier 3, that would be wonderful.
Blizzard has significantly more resources than OOO. WoW also has a more reliable monetization model. It's like asking a Mom and Pop small pizza place to start opening up a franchise on the other side of the country because that's what Pizza Hut does. Blizzard has a lot more muscle to put into their content, while OOO basically needs to make the most with the little they have.
Besides, I was just referring to a new Tier specifically. It's an idea that's been repeatedly suggested and I've had many discussion with people about how pointless it is. It has become a major pet peeve of mine. If we're still rolling with the WoW example, it'd be as if Blizzard just raised the level cap by 20. Yeah it adds more late-game content, but late-game players will be over it within a matter of hours, and you'll be back to where you started. What WoW does is adds new areas, new bosses, new classes, etc. If SK does that, then sure it'd bring people back. I came back for the gunner update.
Ninja'd by Fangel...
I tire of this discussion and how inevitably fruiltless it is but I'll still partake but I did have a good idea recently.
Most games have some form of shifting meta of sorts, which is to say balance patches, new content in the form of new levels or gear or monsters, things that effectively give further reason to play the game and often times spend money as well. If Spiral Knights wants to make a comeback the first thing it needs to do is develop such an infrastructure.. which it surprisingly already has in place.
Step 1: Release prize boxes that have "beta gear" in them. Beta gear = existing gear + changes.
So you'd buy say, platinum prize box with platinum reskins and also some beta gear at heat level 10.
Step 2: Wait and observe what the beta testers that bought in think of it.
Stats on beta gear are fluid; they can be changed to reflect comments back.
Step 3: Change the existing gear pieces to the beta gear pieces when 'ready'.
Beta gear evaporates after a month or two, as they are not just free weapons etc.
New level? Beta key = play the beta level like a shadow lair from the arcade. Each prize box comes with say, 3 keys to the beta level. This works for just about all forms of content... imagine a new forge update. 2* beta weapons + recipes that use the new mechanics. Things come tradeable so free to players can buy the keys and try things for themselves. Players aren't getting cheated because these come bundled with prize boxes and so costumes etc. Equinox prize box becomes a lot more palatable when you're getting early access with your purchase of disappointment.
With this the game makes money which warrants more of this which warrants a playerbase.
let us revive your teammates
let us craft and upgrade our weapons and armor like we did back in 2011, without extra requirements easily obtained via cash
stop trying to monetize on basic mechanics like weapon and armor crafting... just go for skins and cosmetics... this is old advice but SEGA didnt care and thats why i uninstalled the game and tried once every 6 months just to uninstall again
You can revive teammates with sparks of life, click their portraits
And you really haven't looked into crafting at all if you think its more monetized, 3 orbs of a star level costs the same energy as direct crafting did before, in fact this is even more free because orbs drop in the clockworks
Its ridiculous how many people don't have the common sense to look at craft costs before making baseless complaints
Zaptagon's suggestions in post #4 are extraordinary good and I would like to see the most of them.
To your idea about gate Manipulation:
This could be done with shard-materials instead. We all find green shards, red shards etc everywuere and they actually represent the big crystals anyway in one way or another. So the deal is fallowing: To manipulate a gate you spend shards of a certain Kind and you spend also crystals. But Attention: only the shards will alter the gate, the crystals are only there to empower These Little helpless shards to unleash their full strength. But to be honest, These evil Little shards will eat any Kind of Crystal: they do not care what coulor it has. So: pick up the largest Crystal becomes a solid tactic again.
Hall of Heros-recipes will cost more:
Yes, totally agreed, but These should still be bound. After all it is still a cheap Service for your own and not meant to flood the market of those Players whose got them via Basil. The reason for increased Prices could be... uhm, Spiral HQ is evil and rises taxes. yes, that's it, and Basil moved outside to give you that tax-free offers ;)
Update LD first. There's time for other stuff after that. It's natural for people bored of PvE to move into PvP and it's probably the only thing most vets come back for. Less work for more gain in the short run, and buys time to make future updates.
We've had those cordoned elevators at the midway points forever. Maybe a mechanic that lets you spend some minerals there to take a different route in the clockworks? Or spending minerals at the core to get a high difficulty danger room style floor?
I definitely wouldn't want to go back to mist, but I know I didn't solo nearly as much when you could sacrifice health to revive someone. I find that playing in public groups slows me down more often than not. I doubt I'm alone in that. Maybe some alternate routes in the clockworks that are designed to force players to divide up responsibilities would get me to team up outside of a boss fight.
As a knight new to both the forums and the game I don't know if I even have an opinion worth voicing, but thought I might be somewhat useful here.
Having joined Spiral Knights about a week ago, I personally can attest to the effectiveness of word of mouth for new members. A friend of mine told me about the game, and I in turn told several of my friends. I was ( and still am ) fascinated by the graphics and the unique character of the game itself, and will probably continue to recommend SK to others. Perhaps more advertising off site? I feel like a lot of people would be interested if they could just hear about the game somehow
i use to play SK a while ago, pretty frequently once they removed the...mist cost i think it was?
and once i hit the point where i had to get enough 5* items i just finally called it quits
they really need to fix the whole alchemy thing. i feel like im playing a korean mmo with the amount of grinding this game requires.
plus the overall difficulty of the game is just..i dunno. ive spent money on this game for items and such cause of how unfriendly the crafting is and how they pretty much make it mandatory.
i know im gonna get yelled at and insulted for my opinion but theres gaming community for ya.
i wanted to like this game, so soooo much. i love the atmosphere, the music, the characters, its just got so much going for it, but gameplay just kills it for me.
this game always felt like it was super close to being p2w. like its not technically but it pretty much is.
i think they need to make getting heat to level up your gear MUCH MUCH EASIER! this killed the game for me.
they need to tone down the difficulty. things shouldnt be able to almost one shot me with 5* armor when they are lower "leveled" than me.
make the different roles better.
fix the amount of time it takes to move from place to place. the loading into haven even on an almost empty server was god awful. (think starting morrowind on xbox load times)
also, and i know this will never happen, id love to see being able to make a gremlin character. thats just something id personally love but i konw thats something that would never happen in a million years.
well, i dont think ill be coming back to this once it comes up but maybe if things improve ill be back.
good luck to the new/old team on this game
and remember, this is all an opinion. MY opinion. this is a combination of my personal experiences with the game, not yours.
- Login Reward that varies by prestige level
- Half forge cost days
- bombhead mask guaranteed with bribe days in PvP.
- Actually make Q/A threads on the state of SK on a per-month basis.
- Stop the radiant drought.
You don't get P2W to appear out of nowhere spending $100 on your game randomly on day 1. A considerable amount start out as F2P and invest time in farming. They tend to spend only if there's a community and market backing, so having F2P stick around will make other F2P more likely to go P2W. It's this indirection that the previous team did not realize. You can't beat the community into P2W submission, you round them up by the thousands with a carrot on a stick and they'll do it on their own.
- new monsters / story
- release an sdk to allow users creation of new levels / items / skins
- private hosting:
1) official authorized servers : crowns and other loot will still be counted
2) modded server: no crowns counting, possibility to host pvp, you can test your own levels
- integrate auction house / spiral items into steam marketplace
and maybe...
- premium account: you got a fixed amount of CE eveymonth plus a 2-3 keys for every box set released or some random premium items