Seriously, what a mess.
This is the mess you see when wearing two parts of angelic and drake sets...
Wed, 06/15/2011 - 09:04
Legacy Username
Wed, 06/15/2011 - 09:08
Legacy Username
Because terrible PC (gf4mx /
Because terrible PC (gf4mx / duron 1.1ghz). Don't worry though, i don't play on it, i play the game on another pc (radeon 4650 / amd le-1600)
Wed, 06/15/2011 - 10:27
Legacy Username
Why are you complaining about
Why are you complaining about all those delicious bonuses?
Tasty, savory damage bonuses...
Wed, 06/15/2011 - 13:22
Legacy Username
You need some UVs on those,
You need some UVs on those, STAT :D
Wed, 06/15/2011 - 16:24
Legacy Username
I think it's pretty cool that
I think it's pretty cool that you evened out all your armor values AND offset your fire weakness from the seraphic. Get yourself an anti-curse trinket and faust away!
Thu, 06/16/2011 - 10:31
Legacy Username
Actually, i hit a Low Curse UV on the helm or the armor (don't remember which one) when i was crafting it for my alt.
Why all your weapon images looks blured?