Hello! This is a sequel of The Darkwalkers. All rolecasting is complete. This takes place 30 years after the evens of The Darkwalkers.
The prey was clueless. Any sniper worth their weight in lead could have it him, but Tørahn had failed. Had he been on a combat mission, he would have been punished for his failure, but Tørahn was a guard returning home to the Colony.
The prey turned to defend itself, but Tørahn was faster and dispatched him with a second shot. He had been tracking a cultist of Vog, a member of a rapidly expanding and possibly dangerous group.
Vog’s Cult was a growing menace to the gremlins of the Colony, but also to the knights of Haven. Possessions had been stolen, people had been kidnapped, and the political pot of Cradle had been churned by this recluse religious group.
Tørahn continued on to the road to the Colony once he checked the body for information, finding nothing of importance. Northward, he wandered lazily, to home, where he knew he would be greeted with open arms.
An Alya-67 Tactical Bomber flew over his head, and hovered above the Colony before landing on the newly constructed landing pad. The Alya-67 lacked wings, and instead had rotor blades above the hull, allowing for them to be used in more hostile terrain, but also limiting them to a shorter range.
Over the past thirty years, the Colony had been slowly rebuilt, adding new features and replacing the ones damaged in Tinkinzar’s Last Stand, as the battle had been coined among surviving members of the defense.
To his surprise, Tørahn saw another airship pierce the sky, but this was not an Alya. The one he saw was dark red, with Vog’s crest painted on the sides. It resembled the older Alya-63, but devoted more of the hull to air-to-ground missiles. The machine sped toward the Colony, flying offensively.
To Tørahn’s horror, missiles shot from the airship to the main gates and the newly built civilian district of the Colony. Four more projectiles flew toward the landing pad of the Alya-67. It veered around to the west and flew lower to the ground. This time, the on-board gunner saw Tørahn and fired several lasers at the defenseless guardsman.
The ground beneath Tørahn exploded, sending the limp guard flying. He landed on the road, unconscious. No one could be seen for miles around as the sun set in the west over the innocent gremlin’s body.
The airship that had done the attack to the northeast, where the snowy pine forests lay.
Seems it's been exactly a month between when this was actually put up and when I returned.
!!! Well that certainly escalated quickly.
I'll see if I can whip up another char app. Perhaps a Vog cultist this time.