I replied to the discussion, had a pretty busy week, came back to check it and it's nowhere to be found; I tried a google search but the google cache is updated to February 29th.
Where did the thread "Spiral Coming To An End?" go?
I remember I forgot what GM (sorry :p ) replying to the discussion, and then came a lot of other replies.
That's what happens when someone does a personal attack by name.
I'm a little happy to see that they quenched the firestorm that was that thread. Although I'm a little sad to see all my hard work typing gone to waste ;-;
Best to just forget it anyways. I don't really think it brought much good. The only thing of importance (in my opinion) in that thread is Eurydice's statement that more news will be brought as they deal with their current situation.
If the company actually provides Q/A, then you won't have players like me trying to post information, in a manner that may not be PR friendly.
Yeah that's the reason why it should've went. It certainly isn't pleasant to read such a gloomy thing, especially if it's the most discussed topic compared to the others that were there. I just wish the Game Masters luck and I hope they'll do their best.
To be fair it was the most relevant thing to the game for us to discuss and it did a good job condensing that topic, leaving plenty of space for happier subjects. It should probably have stayed so people could glean the information out of it if anything, though I can see how it was bad PR.
I'm just glad that I didn't do anything wrong. I certainly meant no offense to anyone.
I for one reported the thread for the nearly dozen personal attack posts that started at comment 96 of the thread. They probably decided it had gotten carried away so far by that point that they removed the thread rather than edit it. No one, regardless of who they are or how mean they are, deserves to be bullied. Its a shame bullies ruined a really great thread by completely changing the topic.
Meh, I see.
Rhetorically: couldn't they just delete the offensive comments?
Your "bullies", Calmingbreeze where trying to clean after the bulk of disinformation yours truly, Petater, spewed on the thread. Some are more dedicated to accuracy of information than others, I for one can't stand people making uneducated guesses and presenting them as absolute truth. If I had to do it again, I would. As for the thread itself deriving from it's main topic, that quickly went downhill when people started blaming the CE market for the loss of game population; that happened much before any "personal attack" which really were just attempts to fix the silly things that were said, I'm sure you would have noticed, had you tried to read them.
Cheers buddy
What is your argument again? That the personal attacks were for a good cause? I'm pretty sure that's what Calmingbreeze was talking about with "No one, regardless of who they are or how mean they are, deserves to be bullied."
I agree with what the OOO staff ended up doing: end the discussion and let people simmer down a bit. Regardless of your intentions, the thread was filled with hostility. So let's just stop thinking about the thread and move on with our lives.
I'm not interested in restarting a thread defending my presentation of textbook economics to counter opinionated name shaming comments. Please take that elsewhere.
No one was getting bullied, you're being over sensitive. I don't mind getting that thread shut down as well, that should go along well with Petater's wish for this thread not to restart. Besides, "textbook economics", please. So much claims and so little to show for. It's a bit easy to claim you're being bullied simply because someone opposes your view, isn't it?
I'm not claiming that. I'm claiming that when you specifically name someone in a forum comment with bad connotations applied, that's breaking a forum rule. It also wasn't you as the primary offender. There was a person in that thread prior to your comment on it that was very direct with name shaming.
Drop it, eat a sandwich, binge watch some TV, forget about the thread, move on with your life.
For those wondering: The original thread was removed because it had turned into a discussion filled with personal attacks. Please make sure this thread doesn't go the same way.
Hey guys we got the admin sticker on this thread too. That's replacement enough, right?
In other news I saw a cute cat on the internet today. Isn't that just grand? Totally not worth fighting over.
My thread... You ruined it ;-; JK, I understand because people were saying stuff... Anyway... How's the weather?
You could just close the thread and remove those personal attacks without deleting valuable posts...
What is going to happen these days?
Is Sk still running or?
I'll add Eurydice's comment to this thread as well:
As it says in the article, we did have some layoffs. However: the game is still up and running, as is Puzzle Pirates. I don't have much more to share at the moment, and I'll update you as I am able. In the meantime, thanks for your understanding during this sad and difficult time.
Ayy. Welp what can we do :l
Gl with it hope u find a way to make it better =p
Yup, we gottah solve this problem. I got on SK today and there was legit no one in haven... We need to advertise on some places like Roblox who have a lot of kids we could get to play SK.
Sadly it feels like it is becoming less and less likely that this game will see the end of the year. :/
I mean we're practically circling the drain here and those in charge are still reluctant to give us any incite on what they are trying to do to save the game. My guess is that the only people that are left at the company aren't in a position to change the grim fate of this game. Seems like there's only couple of GMs and the Community Manager left. "Don't worry, everything is fine."
those in charge are still reluctant to give us any incite on what they are trying to do to save the game
That's sort of been the pattern for several years now. Nothing new in that area.
At this point there is likely a company/branding reform going on. As long as the servers are sustaining themselves I don't expect they'll be going anywhere.
It's hurting the players and causing accusations between each other because the employees won't provide a Q/A. They'll have less people passing rumors of OOO's demise in haven if they just make a Q/A sticky thread and be honest about it all. Having the information passed around in-game is worse for PR than having an employee prepare adequate responses ahead of time.
I'm guessing someone reported it and it got removed. No idea who it could be, though.