Hey I'm just a little player with some great ideas.
Three rings, here are some balance and update changes that I think are DESPERATELY needed to ensure game enjoyment and profit for YOU.
First off, can you PLEASE update the ready room. Gosh, that thing is like so old, and so many players are leaving because of how drab it is. It needs to be spruced up ASAP. Why don't you just add a small, easy to program brand new boss battle easter egg in there. Dammit You guys.
Secondly, When are you going to add gloves and boots as armours to the game. This is a small amount of coding that can be done within SECONDS.
Next, you have yet to add the poo-poo feature for battle sprites. This is an essential game play element that I feel I have simply been cheated from.
Finally, I have still yet to see the swimming feature implemented. How am I supposed to laze about in the Haven fountain without it. I just feel that the game has so much more to offer, you could even put it behind a dlc pay wall, I think there would be many others beside myself who would invest in it.
Thank you in advance as I know you will listen to my suggestions and 100% implement them into the game.
Yo while we're at it we should add jetpacks and remove those pesky invisible walls in the clockworks. Sometimes I just feel like jumping off the side and seeing what happens.
Also, make fire a permanent proc. It'll give veteran players a challenge that I'm sure they'll appreciate.
Also remove the AH completely. Every other good game doesn't have one.
And give Lasershield a shield made of lasers. It really adds to the game when your own hand falls off due to the very thing made to protect you.