You let me down, Three Rings! How could you do something like that?! I had big plans, to get myself a nice monocle and add it to my Prismatic Frosted Helm, so i could become a proper cupcake gentleman and join the cupcake gentlemen club. But the helm doesn't have any slots for accessories! This is outrageous! No dapper combo, no disguise kit, no fancy touppe slapped right on top of the frosting, no nothing! I don't think i will ever be able to forgive you for this.
I am dissapointed!
Yeah. To add any kind of accessory to a gear, that gear needs to allow/have a slot for that type of accessory to be added. So i made this thread, complaining that Prismatic Frosted Helm does not have any accessory slots, which to be is a waste. So many wonderful things could have been achieved.
This isn't the first costume item to have no slots on it. Winterfest helmet and all dark harvest masks have no accessory slots either
The frosting helmet doesn't have much room for front accessories anyways, they'd heavily clip with the wrapper.
But i'm a free player. Don't get my hands on many costumes. So i mentioned the frosted because that's the one i have, that's where i noticed and that's what i care about. There are some i'd think would work, so it is a shame they excluded all of them. Monocle seems to fit quite well.
I think they need to just open all slots to everything, even if there is considerable clippage going on. Opening the slots would open more demand for accessories, and allow for more creativity. Maybe you WANT the monocle to clip. Maybe when the monocle clips just right, it makes for an epic new look, at least in your eyes. Maybe you want to look bad, you're certainly capable of doing that already.
^ Pretty much this. However games might crash more often cuz of that :p
^ Pretty much this. However games might crash more often cuz of that :p
Model clipping doesn't cause game crashes.
Yeah something like that wouldn't likely cause game crashes, however it would just look strange and most people prefer to not have pieces of their costume clip with one another.
But clipping already happens. I don't know if with accessories because again, i hardly get my hands on those as a free player, but with battle gear it does. An example would be dread skelly helm combined with royal jelly armor. The outer fangs dissapear in the collar of the armor. Not to mention shields always clip through gears...
Plus if they don't want clipping, they can just avoid it.
I think it's just a case of trying to minimize clipping, that and certain accessories (such as Winged Helms) already technically have accessories in certain places, so it wouldn't make sense to put it there when one is already there. I can't exactly speak for all cases though, since some I even question why an accessory cannot be placed on it (such as the front of poncho-style gunner armors).
You can't add accessories on it anyway?