So I was wondering what shield for each type is considered best for a swordsman, not just BTS and SSB, but just for defense.
IE is the Ironmight better for a swordsman who relies on their shield over the BTS? Is the Ironmight better than Royal Jelly because it has more normal which I heard applies more for melee attacks?
If I could please get some opinions on what are the best piercing, elemental, shadow, and normal shields for a person who mains swords.
The current ones I'm working towards:
Piercing - BTS
Elemental -Grey Owlite
Shadow -Crest of Almire
Normal -Possibly VPS
Thanks in Advance, Cisco.
If you haven't read it already, you might try the Armor, Shields, Trinkets, Perks section of my detailed sword guide.
The thing about shields is (A) they take damage when they absorb status, (B) it's quite a lot of damage, and (C) if the shield naturally resists that status, then it's quite a lot of resistance --- immunity, actually. Therefore, if you're not picking your shield for offense, then status (and maybe health) should be your priority. In the end, the popular answers seem to be:
* Grey Owlite: shock and fire
* Crest of Almire: shock and fire
* Dread Skelly: freeze and poison
* Omega Shell: high health
* Volcanic Plate: well-tuned to Firestorm Citadel