So, you'll be wanting this, then.
Gamepads / Controllers
Damn, you must port this game to PS Vita T_T
I used the keyboard and mouse combo for a long time but now that I downloaded the drivers for setting up a ps3 controller I now am playing SK with a PS3 controller and I love it. The analog sticks feel comfortable and moving around is easier with dual sticks.
When the controller dies / disconnect does the game still not recognize it again unless you reboot? that's my only problem
This is relevant to me since I recently picked up a Logitech F310 (looks like a PS controller) as a cheap alternative to a keyboard/mouse. I was hoping to use it to give my hands a break by being able to play in a different position.
However... I haven't played console games in ageesss. My feeble mind cannot grasp the concept of two analog sticks for move/face even though wasd/mouse is the same thing... >< Darn my stupid thumbs. I end up playing like a noob. I suppose I just need to keep trying for my brain to map the controls into itself.
That being said,
How do you guys use your gamepads? (not keyboards, not keyboard/mouse, or any other funky gaming controlling device)
I currently have it set up:
Left analog stick: facing directions
Right analog stick: moving
Left "D pad": Move & Face
left/right shoulder buttons: prev/next weapon
Right trigger: action/weapon
Left trigger: shield
I just bought the Logitech F310 controller and have no idea how to use it can someone please tell me how to use it and/or set the commands for it?
From Gyre-Of-Guile:
My 360 controller mappings:
Left analog stick: facing directions
left "D pad": also facing directions, so that I can face pure left (although there's a bit of bugginess with this...)
Right analog stick: moving
left/right shoulder buttons: prev/next weapon
right trigger: action/weapon
left trigger: shield
"back" button (small button next to the left stick): toggle all windows
Then, my vial/capsule quickslot buttons are: A, B, Y, X, start; in that order (A is 1, and then they spiral around!)
I find this to be a very sweet setup, but it's difficult to set up correctly because the trigger buttons actually map to two different things: one when you squeeze them, one when you release them. To get it to get the right one took some trial and error.
Oh, thanks. I need to try this. I have a game pad that is like the Xbox 360 controller, but the triggers aren't analog, so it is easier to use them. Thanks ^^
spiral knights wont let me use XBOX360 or PS3 controllers, what should i do?
the thing is, i cant change ANY controls to allow controller.
I prefer to use a gamepad instead of a regular mouse & keyboard. Hell, I'm so used to having gamepad-based controls, I had to wait a bit of a while until I could get a new one before I started playing the game again earlier this year. >.>
i got a gigaware control is the same as a Play station controller.
there is a way to configure it and play SK?
Downloading Motionjoy is one way to go. You could map keyboard buttons to your controller.
Did you really need to necro this thread?
Also use Joy2key if you can't just get it to detect
I believe Thunder-Man needed help and both of us had a different program for a solution. Please calm dowm.
Don't use MotionInJoy, it doesn't work if you're offline (admittedly not a very big problem when playing SK), and it's kinda shifty in general. Many people, myself included, have experienced BSoD from MotionInJoy. Fortunately, there's a much better alternative.
I play this game on a gamepad. The gamepad I use is a Wireless PS3 Batarang controller and it worked fine for me, but now my problem is that I can customize gamepad inputs into the game since the new patch and the default gamepad option does not work. I had to find a work-around with XPadder.
This thread literally had me in tears... All of the users of people who have been banned and have quit, way back when Nick was part of the active community, back when it was just a little game...
Why can't some things stay the same? DX
I'm using a Playstation 2 controller. I got a joybox ps2 converter that let's me plug in my ps2 controller to usb.
L2 = Shield
L1 = Auto target
R1 = Switch weapon
R2 = Attack
Dpad = Unassinged
Square = Quickslot 1
Triangle = Quickslot 2
X = Quickslot 3
Circle = Quickslot 4
Left analog = Facing directions aswel as Moving directions
Right analog = Unassigned
Aiming with guns can be a bit hard but i mainly don't gun anyways. I use Auto target for gunning.
Only worried about when dash and battle sprites are introduced that i run out of buttons to map on my controller...
The default gamepad doesn't seem to work on my end. This was my custom keymapping::
L-Analog = Move/Face _Direction_
R-Analog = Face _Direction_
Square = Quickslot 1
X = Quickslot 2
Circle = Quickslot 3
Triangle = Quickslot 4
R1 = Attack/Action
R2 = Defend
L1 = Strafe
L2 = Auto-Aim
Select = Previous Weapon
Home = Next Weapon
Start = Left-Shift (For the new moves)
The X-Padder works but the movement isn't as fluid. I can't move in a curved path as I used to before the patch; all I can do is move in sharp angles. Its a small thing but I still rather map my controller on the game than the X-Padder.
how i play with just keyboard?
Arrow keys: look/move north, south, west, east.
Z: defend.
X: attack.
space bar: switch weapons.
thats it lol