You see, I used to love this game deeply, but I think everyone knows what's going on already. Some people say SK devs need money so that's why they're flooding us with stupid reskin boxes... but they are DEVELOPERS! They're supposed to develop! If they need money, then sit down on that computer and actually work on a worthy DLC of buying, like the crimson hammer! I myself bought the crimson hammer... but this? No I'll not play this game until they actually develop something besides this stupidity.
Updates besides reskin boxes and already made events?

What? Why did all of them get laid off? How can there be a game with no developers? If there's no developers, who's making all the reskins and stuff?

outsourcing to cheap 3rd world country designers. it's the american way :)

Pretty sure all the reskins were made prior to the layoffs in order to stream some sort of content in the game. There's some reference to that on Cherub's deviant art page if I recall well, it's definitely been said by a member of staff. That applies mainly to gemstone promotions.

Most if not all developers have left or been laid off. I don't know if artists are still on the team, but that could be a thing.
Regardless, we still have a support team on the job. As long as we keep money circulating through the game the servers will stay up. You can still play the game for what we have, but you should only play it if you like the game, not fresh content to blaze through and then want more of immediately.

As long as we keep money circulating through the game the servers will stay up. You can still play the game for what we have, but you should only play it if you like the game, not fresh content to blaze through and then want more of immediately.
If "we need more money" and "lack of content updates" were truly concerns in need of immediate rectification, they could have easily done something like convert the daily prestige missions, danger missions, and the non-holiday event missions into purchasable DLC "mission packs"......users get to run each mission as often as they please, and the staff gets another method of funding the game without having to spam prize box sales. However, as was already stated, there aren't any devs left to work on the game in order for such a thing to happen. :/

What in the hell do they think they are even doing right here? developers? WHO'S FLYING THE PLANE?! No wonder the Skylark crashed...
I'm not sure whether you've heard the news yourself.
All of the developers got laid off. I'm afraid that there can't be another DLC if there's not a dev team working on it.