Ill make this quick because I'm sure no one cares
In short, enough people are gullible enough to believe that a larger party gives more loot, so I took data from radiant fire crystal drops in DaN, I finished a few weeks ago
a few days after finishing, my computer had a complete hardware crash, and my old phone stopped charging, so I lost the document with all of the data, and couldn't post anything at the time, I remember the results though
Average rads per party size
solo: 22.10
duo: 22.12
trio: 22.11
full: 22.09
So, there's the averages, I used 50 or more as a sample size for each, and found that the range is in the hundredths, so its not hard to say that larger parties giving more loot is a myth
Great. And the key here is that you had at least 50 data for each party size. So the uncertainties on those averages are pretty small. If we had the actual data, then we could compute exactly how small the uncertainties were. Anyway, thanks.
Original thread here: