Im gonna say beforehand im not a native english speaker so this message may looks confusing since i often mistake the way the Sentences form in english.
this game has go a long trip until now the first time i play was a lot diferent of what is today (times of the mist system) and most of those changes was for the best. but is now stuck in a hole. this is a real good game. funny, adictive (at first), well balanced most of the times (im talking about PvE since i was never fan PvP) has a realy good minimalistic graphics with charm.
But is stuck since no real new content is added to the game like maps, quests, no expansion of the lore. (No i dont consider reskins of armor or even realy new armors realy count as content) and even with the good amount of content it has it just become boring in some point you already know all the maps becomes predictable i dont rember when was the last time i found something new than i dont see before. is sinking so sadly and the worst part those are problem than can be easily fixed. just give the players the tools to do it.
yes i know the developers not like the idea since they belive players will just make maps full of boxes and money to cheat the game. but that is as simple has take one guy of the team and make him take a look to the maps before give them the greenlight use some restrictions on the map creator like how many boxes can spanw in the same room a limit of how many boxes can be in a map a minimun distance between the placement of the boxes and coins. aminimun amount enemies a map should have (bigger the map higher the minimun)
inprove the daily quest to for example gain influence with diferent factions unlock new perks or tech trees.
each faction should have their own objectives like the guild of ingeniers (one posible choice for a faction) want you to go to certain level and hack a computer or locate and capture some robots.
Guild of hunters want you to capture alive specimens with non letal weapons or just kill certain amount of an specific enemy.
guild of craftmens want certain amount of some material or sent you to a specific area to found ald tech of cradle.
perks like small pasive effects gain through guest lines or archivments.
Mini game to burn time like hacking some consoles or found parts and fix some machines.
New companions like a gremlins sidekick or a robot you can mods with parts from crafting. (the option ar great for that)
Allow to twist some enemies so you can have something fresh like a wolver than sudenly spit acid. enemies than normaly run away and shot suddenly use a dash and use melee combat. the chance of the enemies sudenly call reinforments. enemies than become zombies after you beat them. coliseums with multiples paths than have difent kind of enemies on each path you choose.more maps with areas than can be blocked in diffent playthrough so you have to take a diferent direction or doors than can also be blocked or open in diferent playthrough you may or not have to found a key. ramdom events like you are on a grass level and sudennly some wall or cealing break than spawn enemies than shouldnt even be in that play place like some demons trying to expand their office or gremlins trying to take the wood of the forest sudennly a new objective pop up to stop them.
the combat in the game is realy nice but can be improved first move the camara ieven higher so you can see more and give you a better view agains mutiple enemies at the same time. new movement to make combat more fluid like sword dash (i know this kind of movements im goint to metion exist in thegame but ony to certain weapons and they should be avalible for all) or just push the enemies with you shield without need to dash or the enemy hit your shield. istead of of just a small jump like the current avoid system thing like a somersault over your enemies the ability to defect enemies attacks without damage you shield if you block in the right time or if you run against a wall been able to bounce in that wall giving you a thrust melee attack on the other direction.
Skills like defiance (another game) turn invisible to enemies, move faster or do more damage for a period of time, invulnerability for a few seconds than can save your life if you use them in exactly the right moment, sent holographic decoys to distract the enemies istead of just run in circles like you do now in the game.
New tipes of weapons. (again there are weapons in the game than may have similar efects but the arsenal need to be expanded) like shot guns than have lower range than another weapons but much more damage or have push power (like i say before if you camara give you a futher view the weapons like pistols and machineguns should have more range and travel speed than things like shotguns or crossbows.) crossbow with less travel speed than guns but more damage or more chance of cauce proc. granade lauchers may not as powerfull as the hand granades but give you the option of crowd control from distance instead of just run backwards and leave bombs in the enemies way. machine guns should have lower damage and proc chance than pistols but conpensate with fire rate and the capacity of slow down enemies underfire and shoot in a small cone in front istead of the current shot from right to left also is dump you cant move while shooting a machinegun. rifles with low fire rate and ammo capacity before have to reload and even they could make you stop moving to allow you to shot but do REAL damage and penetrate multiple enemies. and limited ammo to make the players change between weapons in conbat (the enemies also drop ammo obviously).
the melee arsenal also need some love. dual daggers fast and good proc chance but low damage, knuckles one target but constant attacks dont allow the enemies to fight back, more blund weapons like staffs with more range but less damage or clubs not as slow and war hammer but with good punch.
of course need new procs like bleeding (DOT to living creatures) or broken bones (Slow down melee attacks move speed) from sharp or blund weapons. of course new defences too like blund resitence on slimes and cut resistence on robots. things like broke enemies weapons or parts to stop them from centain actions like and enemy with his weapon broken would be force th fight melee or after shoot multiple time to the dame part or armor break it. a rebalance on the current the current element systems to not be so black and white i mean ok the right weapon should give you and edge in the combat with the rigth enemy but curretly if you have the wrong element you can forget about damage is too extreme the diference between the right and the wrong element or proc need to be rebalance.
And last but no less important the price of the real currency shop i live in poor country (venezuela is not realy poor since have natural resouces but the horible goverment destroy the economy) and while im like in a middle class family is still imposible to me use the real money shop. so may sound like i have no voice on this and i understand than you run a business and you need to make money to keep the game running i know and understand that. so just as an advice im sure the more people would be willing to spent more money if you lower the prices. 5 dollar for one box looks realy expencive (atleast to me since my country currency worth nothing, less than 1 dollar per day work) so cheaper products will bring less money per customer but more people will be willing to buy. (please, dont take it in a bad way im not try to offend you capacity for business by eny means). and well i thing there still thing to say but is realy late here and im pretty tired right now.
I hope you can understant whan im trying to say here and i hope some people in the community share my ideas. thanks for reading
I didn't read all of it, but I must say the level creator is the best way imo to extend the life of the game, even better than more missions, because eventually people just beat those and its back to staleness. Level creation no one can say its always the same things, that is the best way.