Hello all, I have some questions for you concerning money.
How do you earn money fast via AH? Like do you buy products and sell them for higher price or do you look at items in your price range, and then ask if people want them and if they do, get the item from the AH and sell it to that person. Thanks for your concern!!
Earning Money Fast
Sat, 04/02/2016 - 14:11
Thu, 04/07/2016 - 04:13
I think you'll find that wolver materials are still in high demand.
Anyway, it ain't fast but you can make a lot of profit if you buy up those 100 unit packs of materials being sold at a hefty discount and sell them individually. I can't be bothered to sell 400+ Iron Gears one by one so I dumped some stacks at less than third of the price.
Fri, 04/08/2016 - 18:06
I suggest joining Gods, we're
I suggest joining Gods, we're SK's only merchanting Guild and we can teach you everything you need to know about making easy Crowns and Energy in SK.
Fri, 04/08/2016 - 19:24
Step one: Buy CE and sell it
Step two: "I'm F2P, I use auction house to get my moneys."
It's flawless.
But back when SK was popular, wolver-line armor was the shit, and crafting all that armor requires monster bones and bushy tails, and the higher level wolver armor required warp dust. I just made bank off selling the bushy tails for 600 CR each and the warp dusts for 1.1k each (which of course fluctuated with the demand). Anyways, maybe it wouldn't work anymore, but it definitely worked for me, at least for a little bit.
Selling mats was and may still be an effective way of earning money. Hope it helps!