SK has been bought by ex OOO employees.

I dont get why you guys are flipping over this, im fairly certain that OOO just handed the game over so that they wouldnt have to deal with running there servers. all GH will do is just keep the game running, not actually make any updates to the game.

Sorry if the "hype thrusters" thing was a little too much.. haha. It's just great to hear that at least something is moving along. You know, even if it hasn't been stated that we'll have tons of new content added to SK in the near future.

Raise your Guinea Pigs and praise the Nick statue we LIVEEEEEEEEE!!! \(^<=>^)/

According to Eurydice, the part about Grey Haven just being a game "museum" is outdated. Meaning that SK potentially may finally be getting some updates in the future(tm). But hey, it's all about moving in the right direction.

Well, well, well.
At first, I had gone pretty much inactive.
Now, I may have a reason to fire it up again...but I wonder if new things will be added.
Because tbh I'm tired of all the boxes.

I have a reason to play SK now yay!

So I look at something here other than Machinauts one day and see this.
Trying to avoid the hype train.
OK, this is stuck in my head, which means I have accidentally boarded the Hype Train and will now have to suplex it to get off of it. Nah, I won't do that. Instead, have this jovial but mostly unrelated quote.
Better stop rambling now and get to work on Machinauts!

Even though Eury denied it, I can't help but feel like Grey Havens really is just a museum to set Spiral Knights into and leave it be.
Still, only time will tell, and the game is still safe which is what's most important to me.

Even if Spiral Knights is in a "museum" situation, those places actively preserve and sustain things. Worst case scenario is that the game just exists for another decade, and in all honesty, that is fine. I can keep playing the game to my heart's content and players new and old can create friendships and have lovely experiences with each other.
However the future does look pretty bright now that we've got a new owner for Spiral Knights. With SEGA the possibilities were pretty dry. With Grey Havens, well, the possibility for new stuff or community content exists. We've gone from "zero chance" to "some chance", and that is wonderful.

Nicely said Fangel! Perfectly describes the situation and why the hope of the community is legitimate (@pessimists) :)

Well this just made my day. Possibly week even. No, definitely made my week. I'm so happy that Spiral Knights is under new management. Let's see what they have for us in the future.
Hero-Of-Cheese is cautiously optimistic

My sentiments exactly. I'll second that!
I am checking the "Announcements" section every minute^^

When the servers get transferred over to Grey Havens' servers, will all payments be going to them?
I wanna make sure we'll know when all proceeds are gonna go to supporting Grey Havens and helping them to keep this wonderful game runnin'.

Agreed, Stevo. I have some cash sitting around in my steam wallet from selling off my stuff from another game, I'm itching to throw it at Grey Havens for saving my favorite game on Steam! cx

Because of the transfer of the owners of the server and stuff, will all of our inventory and knights remain, or will there be some reset?

If they take away the stuff that people earned/bought there will be hell to pay

Because of the transfer of the owners of the server and stuff, will all of our inventory and knights remain, or will there be some reset?
Short answer: there wont be any reset.

hype maybe I guess idunno

Though I still see SEGA and OOO's logos on this site, steam and possibly other sites that have SK.
Are there going to be introductions from the new team?

> Because of the transfer of the owners of the server and stuff, will all of our inventory and knights remain, or will there be some reset?
No reset. :)
> Though I still see SEGA and OOO's logos on this site, steam and possibly other sites that have SK.
The behind-the-scenes workload on this transfer--for all departments, not just engineers--is huge. I wouldn't take logos/wording as a sign of what's happening one way or the other. They'll get to that stuff when they get to it.
> Are there going to be introductions from the new team?
Probably not, if only because they're folks you already know. FWIW, tomorrow is my last day, and then I'll be moving on to another adventure. So be good to the Grey Havens team! They're working crazy hard right now. <3

Grey Havens, a suggestion: a statue of Eurydice somewhere in Haven.

Eurydice will forever be in our hearts. If it's more GM-ing type stuff in a different game, I would totally play that game just because Eurydice.

Farewell to the old team... Or at least those who are moving onto to other projects. Was fun having you here for the past 5 years - you made the game very enjoyable for many!
/hug Eurydice

You've been faithful to the community for a long time, Eurydice - be it informing us about flash sales, moderating comments or announcing promo boxes with rescind items (hopefully the days of the latter are numbered) you've never failed to display a cheerful and polite form throughout your posts. You will be missed. Hope you have a great future!
Will you be saying goodbye ingame?

Thank you, Eurydice. Thank you for everything you did for the game. Especially for the last months you were an amazing community manager. You did not let us down and always told us that there is light at the end of the tunnel! You were the reason for our hope !
And you have my respect for beeing so dedicated to a community you won't work with in the future. This shows that you worked with your heart!
I wish you the best for your life and hope your career will be successful.
Goodbye, Eurydice. You will always stay in our hearts ! :)

;_; We'll miss you, Eury! Thanks for all you've done for us here on the forums.
On behalf of the entire Community I want to personally thank you for your services and contributions to this games long run time of 5 years. We've had some bumps along the way but these are something we have road together on, Eurydice I want to say thank you, Because of you and the team of Three Rings that we have made it to this day, And that Spiral Knights will still live on. This is something you have gifted us that we could only repay by thousands of more hours of game play enjoyment.
If Tomorrow is your last day. Then make it your best last day ever, Perhaps come on Spiral Tomorrow and wave good-bye to the community, They would all love to see you once more before you go. Many would appreciate it. And perhaps even if you can't we can still understand, There is a lot of work that has to be done. Again, My thanks- The community thanks you for being here all these years providing what you can. Until this day could arrive.
Thank you. And Farewell Old friend.

I hope that whatever you decide to pursue from here on is just as good as (if not better than) being an admin for SK.
Same goes to all of the other Game Masters, for whatever they're doing right now.
It's admittedly distressing that you're leaving. But it's been fun, and we'll make good on your request to treat our new home well. I wish you the best of luck with your new career.

@Krakob Well an actual translation would be nice to begin with, the current state is ... "not great". I really hope it will end up being open-source, at least for the client, I fell sad editing my i18n file alone in my little corner...
and maybe get older versions of the client if they used a proper SVN, bringing back the old UI could be nice. (please tell me they used an actual SVN)

"FWIW, tomorrow is my last day"
eurydi making me cry here
hope you wind up somewhere nice though, you deserve it

Thanks for your patient help, Eurydice. Happy travels.

You was sunshine even in the darkest days, we will miss you.
Good bye Eurydice :'(

I haven't even really seen you (Eurydice) for long at all, I still feel incredibly sad...I hope you find a new calling you'll enjoy, and thanks to Cradle's/Isora's stars for staying with us during the really rough period. I do hope you'll say goodbye ingame tomorrow (Like Basil-On said) so the community can send you off with all our best wishes and thanks.
*salutes* "It's dangerous out there, take this- oh, and this too!"
~ Angel-Girl the Valkyrie

Jumps back on to the SK fourms. Sees that Eury is leaving... /(;-;)\
/cry /salute /hug

Grey Havens has a lot of work ahead considering the amount of time SK has spent idle, but know that our dedicated player-base will be there to support them all the way! ^^

I don't think I've made enough useless support tickets that can crack a smile.
Hope whoever responds to these tickets in the future has a bit of a sense of humor like everyone had before!

lol wait Fangel did that? That's pretty funny

I should not be allowed to request support tickets when I'm tired. I have another one where I asked support the best way to get sober and they told me I need to use the support portal for things relating to the game.

So, do we have any idea if the purchases made in-game for boxes and whatever is going to Grey Havens or not?

The Spiral Order salutes thee. See you in the stars, one day or another.

someone add a like button to forums please ^^^

In an effort to keep comments in one place so it's easier for us to keep track, I'm moving a few questions from other threads here:
--1. Has the migration happened? It seems a bit unclear since well, everything is the way OOO left it. Are you keeping the same servers?
Yes. The game has officially moved and is under Grey Havens management. We still have a heaping ton of things to do in the backend to make sure things stay ship-shape, but the game itself should be up and running. *fingers crossed*
--2. Are you planning on making the game open source?
Not at this time.
--3. Are there any future plans for the game?
While I know you're all eager for any news, we have a lot of work to do before we can even start looking ahead. It's not trivial to move multiple games and build up the infrastructure to support them.
--4. How does it look in terms of GMs? Are there any left?
Indeed! As we mentioned before, the entire team is made up for former OOOs folks. There's really no need for introductions since you already know us. *salutes*
As someone who really does love this game, these updates keep making me happy. :D