SK has been bought by ex OOO employees.

304 replies [Last post]
Krakob's picture

Thanks for the quick answers!

Ivy-Von's picture
No need for introductions,

No need for introductions, but that doesn't mean everyone who formally worked at OOO is now here at Grey Havens. So to clarify, how many GMs are left?

Veridiandynamics's picture

Im not sure i like the idea of open source SK. While it would have some upsides, there would be downsides too... So im kinda relieved that they are not planning to make it open source.

Umbra-Lunatis's picture
Words cannot express my gratitude that you're able to talk to us

Thanks for letting us know the current state of things! Wishing you guys the best of luck on restructuring, because from what Clockwork Traveller pointed out it's understandably a difficult process.

So, although development for ingame features is halted for now, I'm glad the meta-game stuff is being looked over so the entire thing doesn't crash.

As for introductions, I think that you're right in the sense that we don't necessarily need formal ones. However, the general hope is that we'll see our moderators more often. Not necessarily, you know, all the time. We'd just like to know you're alive occasionally.

Anyway, best of luck with the restructuring! I have no doubt you guys can pull it off.

Krakob's picture

How so? If SK were free and open source software, it would allow the community to work on what they feel is needed when SEGA/OOO/GH don't have the funds or manpower to fix things up.


Will the servers remain as they are ? As we all know they are (putting it nicely) "not very good" , will the servers change? could it become peer 2 peer ? or is it too soon to tell? :T

Veridiandynamics's picture

Depends. Are we talking about client or server open source? Probably both are risky. Maybe the client side is harmless to give out... but not even sure about that. Depends what they are actually managing. Server open source is flat out bad idea in my opinion.

Edit: @Rekishi its deffinately too soon to tell, but i think it will probably stay like this at least for now. By the way the lag is only partially a server problem. Its cuz the Java language too.
A basic lag-lowering method: (relatively) frequent game restarts to allow your memory to get rid of Java's garbage.

Krakob's picture

The client is written in Java. Anyone who's knowledgeable and curious enough will be able to reverse engineer it.

An open source server means that people can fix security holes and analyze the codebase to make it more secure. I'm not going into details, but there have been a few instances of huge security holes that lasted for ages or were never even fixed. These are issues that have been found and researched by players. Malicious users have exploited them and will continue exploiting them. Helpful players, on the other hand, are limited in what they can do.

Well, I can say one thing...

Once they get settled in, & maybe expand their team as time goes on, we may see more continuing adventures, including more Expansion Missions(we've only had 1 in such a very long time), Danger Missions, PvP arenas & events, & the storyline going on. We've been waiting long to see these.

Cronus, if you're here, we're looking forward to seeing the GMs in action again!

i'll come back to the game if

i'll come back to the game if they let us craft and upgrade our weapons as it was years ago... finding recipes was kinda exciting, but you could actually craft and evolve your equips, now it's just the equivalent of those tablet mobile games, that uses free2play to grab your attention but then you'll risk spending more money than you'd like to, it's not a nice way to do things IMO

Veridiandynamics's picture

True. Those are the upsides of an open source server. And it would be beneficial for sure.
But there are pretty dire downsides too.
- More players with lesser knowledge also could exploit those security holes.
- They most likely would find new security holes too since in open source it is much easier. Following up with some exploit and the game would just flat out break probably.
- Certain ppl could basically start their own little world of Spiral Knights on independent servers with extreme rules. Then they could bribe and poach players from the original servers, which would cause the already lessened player base to divide into several factions. It would probably mean the end of the game.

Fehzor's picture


The better question would be what direction is intended by this transition; i.e is the idea to continue development of the game, to continue development of the prize boxes, or just to host the game in general?

The other big question should really be more of a how many as well as a who exactly. Yes, it's former Three Rings employees, but who exactly and how many exactly-? It's likely to be small but exactly how small?

@Open sourcing

If they release the game as open source, I'll very likely be running my own no-forge balanced-armor server for all to enjoy, provided no one else makes one, and to kickstart it I'd grant everyone who asks their very own whatever they have on the current server. I'll even throw in some beta armors as reskins, add costumes as rewards for various things and make a 5* winmillion. What would this cost me? Time and money, but less time and money than grinding out dreams and nightmares + paying for celestial stuff and other prize boxes, so essentially free.

This is probably why no open sourcing will be occurring. Naturally, they'd be competing against players like me and anyone else that wants to run a server, and that sort of thing mandates better and more constant content updates from them (forcing other server operators to constantly update and feel the frustration) and why on earth would you want to put that kind of pressure on yourself?

Rustre's picture

Opening the client side means that you let other persons look at the networking part of SK, so bots could become a thing.

Also a small note because I did not look that deep into it but still, (this is a self-censored rambling warning)
I like to take a peak at everything on my computer with little exceptions. But the way the packets are made out seems to be highly susceptible to MITM attacks, like removing/altering/adding packets, in both ways. Not that I expected to see DTLS 1.2, but still. Also there are so small, tiny tiny UDP packets, a lot of them, but sooo small.

Krakob's picture

And said security holes could be both found and patched sooner.

Your last point is true but it remains valid only so long as there's an official server and its problematic for mostly different reasons. Namely, someone else could run their own server with cheaper prices or more rewarding gameplay and thus, GH would have to sacrifice their own game balance and devalue their players in-game assets to stay competitive against other instances of the game they're the primary developers of.

After the official servers are taken down, the game would either disappear or go open source, in which case it's a free market where the bad servers will lose their playerbase to other servers with better moderation and/or features.

Fehzor's picture

Of course, but there's still an official server isn't there? Spiral Knights wouldn't be that desirable of a franchise unless you were expecting something out of owning it.

Bonjourhippo's picture
Gotta say I love the

Gotta say I love the lighthearted "anyone could set up a server" vibe that just came out of nowhere; no offence there but you're really out of your depth here. It's an extremely long and painful research process and passion alone won't cut it, even it everything was to be made open source. Cronus himself explained how moving the servers was and still is difficult (and on-going to a certain degree) and that's for former members of the team. I'll let you figure what it would be like starting practically from scratch.
Point is, the Grey Haven team went well out of its way to maintain Puzzle Pirates, SK and other legacy games, this is a long term move. I can't imagine these efforts being wasted by letting the average Joe run his very average SK server for a very very average portion of the community; this is grasping at straws. For the first time in a couple years there's a sense of hope bringing parts of the community back; where Grey Haven goes is where the community should follow, it genuinely seems like a time to wait and see.
P.S. tons of packet capture and replay tools available out there, making the client side code available un-obfuscated would rather allow reverse engineering the server, which is in most cases how games like PSO2 got brought back on private servers.

Veridiandynamics's picture
I mean

We can agree to disagree, Hippo, but dont tell me it is not possible :)
Is it hard? Yes. Is it unlikely? For the "Average Joe" sure.
I did not say "anyone could set up a server". I said "certain ppl could".
Prove me wrong, tell me its impossible. I think we both know you wont do that.
Cuz technically with open source it is possible.

But all of this are purely theoretical cuz they wont open source :P

And i like it. Maybe im wrong, maybe Krakob and you are right, but i am still glad that they dont take even the small risk with that.

@The-Drunk-Sergal: yeah well lesser evil, but still evil ^^

Petater's picture

It's only weird that it wasn't prepared in advance. Seeing how the news came about exactly 1 month after the march layoffs, I doubt it was spontaneous. The team needs to find/replace all sega/three rings text with Grey Havens asap so the temporary interest the community has doesn't die down again.

Feline-Grenadier's picture

All I'm hoping for is that GH won't pull off a Hardsuit Labs on us. I'll cross my fingers for a test server beta in the coming year, hopefully, with optimization in mind.

Fehzor's picture

Not anyone could up and run a server, but I can guarantee you that between me, Zeddy, Petater, Dogrock, Skepticraven, Spiral-Spy and all the other people like that, something could be figured out.

Fastlex's picture

I'm sure you guys would balance out the weapons too

Krakob's picture

> tfw I'm not explicitly on Fehzor's list of nerds


When discussing open source and what it'd result in for the community I realise that there's two entirely different ideas of what's good for the game. Spiral Spy's recent blog post brings up the following three points:

  1. Players would be biased in case they were put in GM roles.
  2. Players aren't that great level designers and would have a limited amount of resources to work with.
  3. Players are bad at fixing bugs

And as it turns out, these are things I have hardly considered, because I'm looking at further development of SK in terms of gameplay and balance, not community. I'd be fine with having a small private server that averages on 30 players online if it means we'd have old RSS and dailies gave 150 radiants. To others, it'd be the absolute death of the game.

SK's move to GH, pricey?

I don't know how much it costs to do the game's move from OOO to GH, but I can presume it's pricey. Such a move had to cost plenty, yes?

Honestly, that move, while better than shutting the game down, was worth every penny they had.

Petater's picture

I don't know how much it costs to do the game's move from OOO to GH, but I can presume it's pricey. Such a move had to cost plenty, yes?

Honestly, that move, while better than shutting the game down, was worth every penny they had.

More speculation that I'm waiting for an employee to clear up. Seeing how they "creepily watch" the forums, they can see I'm querying an answer to that here. I'm under the impression SEGA gave away Spiral Knights because it was hemorrhaging cash.

Bonjourhippo's picture
They're under no obligation

They're under no obligation to answer you though, fortunately. This could well stay a mystery yet not change the face of the game.

Gaidal's picture
User Created Content

Fight The Dragon (a game on Steam) has an Adventure Creation Kit (ACK) that is very user friendly but also allows for some very detailed complex level creations. I'd like to see something like that implemented in SK. They have systems in place to prevent farming and make sure there's an appropriate amount of monsters to treasure to health/potions ratio. Anyone else here played Fight The Dragon and used the ACK? Man, that tool on this game would be awesome!

Also, Star Trek Online is a great example IMO of both regularly released official content plus user created content via their Foundry. Their Foundry isn't nearly as user friendly as the above mentioned ACK, but I think STO has a great system in place for allowing user created content to coexist with official developer created content.


Fehzor's picture

they "creepily watch" the forums

Oh god I just laughed for like five minutes at that because it's so true. Like they don't come on and post like normal people or discuss things, they just kind of wait until we start questioning their existence and then drop in and are like "yes we're still here" and then it's up and out without actually satisfying the discussion at hand. Kind of like how I dealt with this crazy lady I lived with and owed rent to the texts kept coming and I was like nope I don't live there any more until she eventually stalked me down on the streets and beat me up and took my cash.

They do have a reason for it at least though, wouldn't want to negatively impact anything, and giving us bad news could have killed the game a few months back so what do we expect, for them to come on and tell us to go home? Naw, they got this.

King-Tinkinzar's picture
OMG, if this game went

OMG, if this game went open-source I would die and come back to life three times!!

Ironclaw-Mender's picture

"I don't know how much it costs to do the game's move from OOO to GH, but I can presume it's pricey. Such a move had to cost plenty, yes?"

wouldn't assume it cost that much
bout tree fiddy

Petater's picture

I'm not a fan of players falsely hyping each other for 2 years and then have the parent company trade away the game.

Delecated's picture

Attempting to comprehend; do you mean:
a. Players falsely hyping the two companies that held this game (in context of the transfer)?
b. Players falsely hyping [one another]?

Petater's picture

Just waiting on the team to validate the unsubstantiated hyping.

Delecated's picture

...Hyping of whaaat exactly? *side-eyes*

(My top guess is everything. Hail to the stars if that be the case. The celestial objects, I mean.)

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
hyping for:

The arcade redux that like 3 people on these forums care about/remember

Y u no add spiral items to

Y u no add spiral items to steam marketplace :o

Umbra-Lunatis's picture

at this point, "arcade redux" is just a vague term for everything we agree would be a good addition to the game. i.e. new technical gameplay concepts, expanded usage of certain things, improved usage of others, more environments, and enemies that don't follow standard AI.

Cronos-Zx's picture
Hype for:

-Sentient Prize Box as the true Final Boss of the game (Pls gibe)

-Arcade Redux (what was that thing again?)

-Bomber Update (Yeah, coming """"""""Soon™"""""""""")

-Morai Wars Context (Does someone remeber SK had some sort of history?)

Petater's picture
HL3 Arrival Time

I'm sure there will be a thorough explanation on the past year that will allow us to rebuild trust in the team.

Ironclaw-Mender's picture
Vohtarak-Forum's picture
ok ill explain a bit

@umbra maybe to you, but I stick to OOO's statement that it is a way to make the arcade more enjoyable by readding a "sandbox" aspect

no one mentioned a bomber update but players
We only know that theyre called the morai wars, the morai could be an enemy knight group, enemy species, morai as a location, or just an arbitrary name, its not a substantial part of the current story and probably wont be expanded on

(On that story if you needed clarification: the knights were in the morai wars, which had pushed them to the brink of extinction, they sent the skylark to get an energy source to go and save isora (the planet they were on, specifically how they would use the energy was not mentioned) the skylark found cradle, got shot down, and the game starts)(thats it, thats all we are told)

Fehzor's picture

The thing about a bomb/sword update is that it needs to happen for guns to not be the dominant super class.

Putkisen-Seta's picture

Balancing shouldn't take the form of yet more power creep.

Cronus's picture
Game Master
A quick update: We're still

A quick update:

We're still working on the transition, but most of the systems that impact your daily play should be up and running normally. We still have a huge number of tasks to work on which will take quite a bit of time.

A few items to note:

- If you sent us a support question via email on the 6th and have not heard a reply, please send it again in case it fell into the abyss.

- Steam Trade is currently not working. It's on an exceptionally long list of items to look into. I do not have any estimate on if/when it will be fixed.

-- Which of OOO's former games Grey Havens have now, since they just formed & such?

The main games we are currently working on moving are Spiral Knights and Puzzle Pirates.

Petater's picture
Just a question

Shouldn't we move these updates into announcements? That or since we're 3 pages into this thread, it might be better to make a sticky thread created by a GM, that users can post within, and just have cronus/other update the first comment in the sticky. That is, unless we're turning this into a Q/A.

Cronus's picture
Game Master
-- Shouldn't we move these

-- Shouldn't we move these updates into announcements?

I'll be posting a followup post to our announcement in the near future.

--That or since we're 3 pages into this thread, it might be better to make a sticky thread created by a GM, that users can post within, and just have cronus/other update the first comment in the sticky.

There's no need to have additional threads. Major news items will be listed in our announcements forum as a response to the first post. The announcement post now links to this discussion thread for anyone interested in following it.

Fehzor's picture

Lol Potato there are like 20 people reading the forums this is one of about 5 mildly active threads right now and it's by far the most interesting it's fine.

Petater's picture

Aight, just don't want important comments to be hidden so far back in a thread no one attempts to find them.

Veridiandynamics's picture

Thanks for the update, mate!


Nobody seems to mention it, but Lockdown is quite dead, which is really sad, so do you have any plans with it?

Crazee-Pi-Forum's picture
Remember, don't shoot food.

Ok, but how will the Secret GM forum be affected by this?