think about it, it'd work
bopp for community manager

No alt of mine posted the original post. (Thanks, Fruitalicious?)
Presumably community manager is a post occupied by one or more Game Masters, who are officially employees of the controlling company (now Grey Havens).
As usual, I have ruined a fun thread by being overly serious.

Trust me, hes a fellow devilite,
bopp is a forum junkie like a few others, good posts
only reasonable from time to time forum junkies are put on positive blast =P

bopp coming in with the facts

I dont want Bopp, I want Fehzor. Let's vote Fehzor instead!

Why don't we vote for cronus and hera to be game masters as well?

honestly, if anyone should be the community mod it should be Fehzor, hes been contributing too much since i started back on steams release and still devotes way too much time and energy to it.

...aren't I like... universally despised or something though? Everything I've heard from.. well, every other person here, has been pretty much solely negative; that I'm unstable, wrong, too negative, things like that. It's like... who I am.

A community manager needs to be like this person:
Fehzor is cool, but not The Most Patient Man on Television. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Bopp is literally the guy in that video.

I highly doubt that anyone is universally despised. As much as I like to think that it is indeed me out of a strange automatic humbleness, there is at least someone who has a positive opinion of whomever.

Ask anyone and you'll probably find that I'm pretty universally despised in sk
as in "people track me down in game to tell me to kill myself" despised

Agreed, but Fehzor is a 'she'.
If you see things realistically while other People see things optimistically, they say you are pessimistically. I for my case like most of your posts.
Actually I am not going into detail for reasoning since this topic seems to be not much serious to begin with.

I vote Bopp for ruler of everything.
I thought of this. I mean, I guess Bopp's sophisticated factual-ness could be used to measure things? But I'm not seeing it.

I have not seen any reliable data suggesting Bopp would make a good community manager. You may want to take a look at my detailed community manager guide. There have been many similar threads about this topic, which you can find using a Google search for "bopp community manager". Good luck.

It's funny because I could totally pose as Bopp and you guys would have no idea. Just limit posts to information, avoiding any sense of individuality beyond gear related opinions.
As for being patient, I think everyone here deserves that title for sticking with SK this long. The sheer amount of prize boxes, orbit guns, lack of real answers, shard bomb fixes, lack of balance updates, things breaking... we're like, the patient + truly devoted portion of the community, or at least the part of it that posts on forums, anyway.
And Vohtorak isn't despised. I disagree with them often but that's only because they're kind of like I was about... 2-3 years ago? In terms of progression, I mean. They're good at the game, doing well for themselves, but they're not to the point where they've bottomed out in terms of gear progression. But despised? Naw, they're great.

@fehz thanks, that's one person who doesn't despise me (5 more and ill look like a normal person)
Also, I'm not sure what you mean by bottomed out, could you explain which meaning you put behind that?
@Anderson hey nick, I'm definitely not suspicious about that being a joke at all... yeah

I have all the weapons except celestial saber (which I'll get eventually when the game is under grey havens and needs some moneys and I have said moneys) with uvs, heated, etc. And making any sort of advancement is nearly impossible.
Sure I could always go for more uvs but there isn't really reason to. I could farm radiant fire crystals and I do to heat the last few levels on the tortodrone shields, even though that's kind of a waste.
It's been this way for me fit a good... 2 years? Whenever something new comes around I get it.

See, my theory is that Bopp is Fehzor's helpful and objective side, while Fehzor is Bopp's wild and opinionated side. Fehzor isn't afraid to let her opinion be known and will call out things that need to be changed and experiment with gear. Bopp rarely speaks his opinion on things aside from gear. He links people to his amazingly useful guides and tells us why Combuster beats Glacius in FSC. Thanks to these differences, the two personas can coexist. I can't figure out the motive, though. I'm bad at conspiracy stuff but I'm pretty sure it involves heroin.

Come on, I am the only Fehzor here, that is until that imposter stole my account and I had to start a new one. *Conspiracy intensifies*

Pros of secretly being the entire forum community-
*Can accurately speak for all of us; i.e. "We would really appreciate if Three Havens..."
*Don't have to read forums to know what was written unless an outside entity interacts
*Can form one solid guild made up forumers. Forumer? IDK.
*Can forcefully ship Bopp and Fangel
Cons of being the entire forum community-
*Multiple personality disorder
*More grinding due to more knights
*Game masters know from IP address and stay away
*Dating self doesn't count

You're not me!
I know you're not me, because I am me! And I am not you!

I didn't know I was Fangel and Bopp until recently. How can you ever be sure that you aren't me as well?

So...then that means...
Hmm, am I me? I suppose that I can't get a clear answer on that. Maybe I'm Bopp as well.
But then again I don't act like Bopp. He's more sophisticated and patient than I am.
And I'm pretty sure I'm not Fehzor.
If I had to choose, I hope I'm Gyre-Of-Guile. Seems like a cool...guy?

As long as this thread is still alive, I might as well point out that post #18 is clever.

Coming around checking the forums once again after a year or so of not playing and seeing so many familiar names feels weird.
In a good way, I guess?
Bopp knows all the tips and tricks of SK, helps out noobs whenever he can, and is generally a very informative and helpful person. Even though he would be terrible at parties, he knows his stuff. I'd vote yes.

EDIT: Oops, wrong account, meant to post with anybody else.

I fear that Bopp would be too much like the current game masters/managers/whatnot- impartial and professional. I sent in a support email for them to fix the shard bombs, I included the fix from gear-storm's post, and what I got in return was very... well, it was the "professional" answer but it felt like they just didn't care to me and I know that's largely my issue but I wouldn't vote for more of it.
For those unfamiliar with the shard bomb bug, the issue is that hitting with one bomb nullifies the next. Imagine if you brandish charged twice, but your brandish could only hit 3 times with explosions every so many seconds. If you're really stacking it in there and hit that lumber with 2 charges, it only gets hit for about 3/4s of one charge, even though you hit it with 2 independent charges. That's what shard bombs are up against, so I really don't think it's a bug. The outcry when it was changed has largely hidden this issue preventing any sort of fixes from coming about.
Generally, the best way to report a bug is by pressing F2 on the keyboard to
submit it in-game. This will provide logs that the developers can use to find
the cause of the bug and a fix for it when possible. I'll pass on your request
to the appropriate staff, though I cannot guarantee that a fix will be put in
place in the immediate future.
Best wishes,
- Atalanta
Most of Bopp's answers are exactly like this and there's nothing wrong with that since the information he conveys is generally correct and helpful, but as far as what I want for the game masters.. well, I just want them to tell me that it won't get fixed because the staff is all busy doing something else, or if that's not the case to pursue this type of thing all the way to the end and like.. care about it, and let me know how it works out because I did take the time to submit that. It's not even about the shard bombs at this point they're kind of dull, I just want Zeddy to come back so that I don't have to beg Fangel to go on runs with me, you know?
Bopp knows how to talk to people in a way that doesn't get him any kind of bad publicity (and oh man do I at this point) but every time I hear that from the GMs in particular it makes me feel like garbage. They're all excellent people as far as I can tell, all two of them (Hera and Cronus, as I haven't seen any others), and I don't mean any harm to anyone, I just.. I just wouldn't vote for Bopp for more than just the banal moves-threads-around position, ok? And I do think the banal-moves-threads position would suit him perfectly, like he reads everything and really knows when things don't belong where and he doesn't act on any sort of agenda and overall he does care about the forums, but the 'bad at parties' thing is a dealbreaker for something like community manager.