Hello!This is a topic simple to thank the Grey Havens and anyone who still supports this game.
I had great time in this game and i can say without doubt that this game is my favourite.
SK not only gave me great time from its gameplay but from the friends i done.I dont know
what you try to do but I apperciate that you try to save a great game that connected so many people together
Thanks Grey Havens!
Mon, 04/11/2016 - 11:14
Mon, 04/11/2016 - 11:29
Personally I'm just thankful they bought it to make sure it lives on for more years than it would have with SEGA, even if the game will still be no update city.
I'm probably alone here, but I'm not thanking grey havens unless/until they prove that they will be working to develop the game
not that I dislike sk, its easily my favorite game, but I'm not throwing my hopes into any new company without a significant reason to do so