Hello! Through the years I've done a whole lot of projects for this community. Now I'd like to share some of the projects I never finished, and maybe bring up some old ones. Currently planning on posting one thing per day.
Krakob's unfinished projects
Kudos for your dedicated work, mate.
Another QoL thing to do for the SK forums: add some custom search engines. Tutorial on adding search engines
For the wiki, add the URL http://wiki.spiralknights.com/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=%s... with the keyword sk and you can type "sk cautery sword" to search cautery sword on the SK wiki. Similarly, add http://www.google.com/search?q=site:forums.spiralknights.com%20%s to search the SK forums and http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/%s to find a specific forum node, e.g. if you add it with the keyword skn, you can type in "skn 114195" to get to this topic.
Here's a couple of pretty cool things I never finished:
- Log manager: a library for managing guild log exports. I was planning some pretty advanced features with lots of export formats e.g. spreadsheets, databases, and several clients to use it. I'm not sure why I didn't finish it. The code was acceptable, at least and it had potential.
- Lockdown stats calculator: a perhaps much more interesting project, the idea was to make a program that would tell you in depth how much damage you'd inflict and take in LD. It was a 100% client side web app. In the end I figured that the LD community wasn't really worth all my effort, considering how few people had even a bit of interest in stuff like this and it was an overall toxic community that I didn't enjoy a lot. Also, working with Node.js to build Coffeescript to Javascript and all that was quite the pain. I'd take it over plain JS any day and it was a good learning experience, at least.
I'm pretty lazy, so I'll just have to add this thread to the OP.
Moving on, here's two guides I worked on:
- Here's a script for a video guide I wanted to make for RJP speedrunning. I think the script was quite done but I never got around to making the video.
- Here's a video production guide I made. I felt like it lacked a lot of substance, so I never finished it. If I wrote more about setting up OBS or something it would probably be more complete.
Your face is a cool stuff! <3
Let's talk competitions! There's two I always wanted to do that I never got around to.
- Lockdown 3v3: the idea was that LD would be put in a mini-format where three players fight for a single point, e.g. the middle point on Reactor. At the start of the game, all players except the participants would leave and the participants would fight for the middle point. The results would be the team score, not death match or anything. This format would be very nice in the sense that it would be a lot like proper LD and not the ping measuring contests that are duels, while also being more accessible than 6v6 since that takes a whole lot of organisation and dedication from the players, which is something I find that the LD community quite frankly lacks, compared to other, more popular competitive games.
I belive Dovis actually tried to arrange a very similar competition but I can't recall how it worked out.
- Green Spiral Awards: some years ago I was quite intrigued by the Purple Spiral, handed out by GMs for community contributions. However, as I learned more about them, I realised they didn't hand them out much at all, and didn't give them to the ones I found deserving. As an example, I've heard that everyone who reported the Prismatic Bolted Vee incident was given one. Meanwhile, Zeddy spent hundreds of hours gathering data and figuring out the game for our understanding and Bopp has spent years tirelessly helping people out with questions about gear and how to play. Now, Bopp might be one to keep a Purple Spiral a secret but afaik neither of the two mentioned have one. There's a lot of other examples of players who have done so much for this community without any recognition from the GMs.
What I wanted to do is a huge competition where all players would be able to nominate and subsequently vote on strong community contributors of various forms, e.g. helping new players, writing guides, audiovisual stuff, etc. Doing this would present two challenges: making it interesting with prizes (maybe I'd contact the GMs?), and actually getting the community to participate (maybe host a giveaway for voters).
Novaster has spent most of their life editing the wiki, yet got nothing in response.
Not even they are allowed to edit the och page...
As someone who reported the prismatic bolted vees incident within about 3-5 minutes of it occurring I can confirm that no purple spiral was awarded. They did however award me 2 prismatic bolted vees, which would have been rather valuable if not for the fact that several thousand were dumped onto the market.
That's fair enough - it might've been a rumour, a lie, related to going through support as opposed to F2 bug reports, etc. Nevertheless there have been similar cases.
Transferring FLAC files to a micro-SD through a USB 2.0 cable takes a jolly good amount of time so here we are! Let's keep this one brief.
1. Remember those item ratings I made? I should've done it for Sprites as well, and maybe compiled some nicer presentation for Steam guides or the Wiki. I didn't.
2. I started writing a LD guide during a 7-hour car trip. I felt like it was a too elaborate project to condense into one guide and LD was on the decline at that time, now more so than ever.
3. I started playing on an alt and tried to get a different perspective on the SK community because I was kind of feeling burnt out with the end game community that we've all known for the last 3+ years. As it turns out, there wasn't a whole lot more to see. Of course, there's a lot of smaller mid-game guilds but there wasn't really anything I didn't expect in my brief time on the alt. Just the same old younglings with poor english and the same vanguards idling in Haven.
Here's one I should've published ages ago: https://gist.github.com/Krakob/a3914404d5f9a2e7e1b5
This is a userscript that adds a button below the text field on these forums to convert markdown to HTML. It's a very hack-y implementation, I just copied a script that did this for any site and made it apply specifically for the SK forums. I was planning on removing the irrelevant parts before publishing it but that never happened, so if you want to use it you'll have to live with it converting stuff like --- to a hr tag, which doesn't work here.
You'll need Tampermonkey (Chrome) or Greasemonkey (Firefox) to install it.