Processor: Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-4200U CPU 1.60 GHZ 2.30 GHZ
System Type: 64-bit OS, x64 based processor
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400
OS: Windows 10
My issue is sometimes, the game decides to freeze and it won't unfreeze, but I would still be able to hear my movements and whatnot. I can only close the game at this point and this is really annoying as it is pretty frequent. I have tried updating my drivers and graphics driver online and I also updated my Java. I tried both of these and this issue is still persistent. I don't know what else to do and I hope somebody out there has an similar issue as me. The issue with trying to play with this problem is that I usually leave people while playing Arcade and that sucks. I attempted many ways to try to fix this, but to no avail.
Thank you for trying if you will.
Your system is way better than mine, so you are probably fine in that area. That being said, I have an Nvidia, not an Intel graphics card. I can't vouch for their reliability. Are you able to play other games without issue?
You could try looking at the Task Manager (Hit Ctrl-Alt-Del), and find the tab with the system resources. (Where it talks about your CPU and your memory and such.) Play with the game windowed and then keep an eye on the Task Manager. While this may not be incredibly helpful, I have a hunch. When the game freezes, I'm looking for either a spike in CPU usage or a drop in CPU usage. Or maybe there's a memory leak of some sorts, which in that case you'd see the memory usage slowly climbing as you play.
Once you get Spiral Knights to freeze again, then get your projectx.log. That could also be helpful.
Hopefully we can find the solution!