New shields!
So, what do you guys think about them?
I'm really happy that we now have more models, but some don't seem to match well with their corresponding armor/helms (color schemes at least).
Is this a sign that all the character design (2D art) for all the equipments has been made, and when the armors/helms get new models, they will match with the shields?
Also, heavy plate shield is HUGE

The royal jelly shield's look will make a lot more sense once we (finally) release the royal jelly boss.

royal jelly boss

=( =( really? the only shield i have and like dosn't get a new look. now it looks retro like it has no place in the game (talking bout mah sinister skelle)

Don't worry, my usual shield, the Aegis, received no update either.

jeebus, i checked the folder, and OMG HAVE YOU SEEN THE SCALE SHIELDS. they are the best looking thing i have ever seen.

Dragon Scale Shield easily looks the best =)

Wise Owlite Shield didn't change ;_; I was expecting something feathery or an owl head. Alwell, the plate shield is pretty badass =3
EDIT: Now that I'm actually playing I notice a few changes. The Tree robots attack a lot faster now so they're more of a threat now though when they stun me, it lasts a lot less longer. (Though I'm wearing a plate shield, I thought that only affects me while blocking) I wonder what other changes there are...
I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it
Have you seen the Volcanic Plate Shield? It's huge AND sexy.
The Royal Jelly Shield made me laugh because the shield is so... literal. They didn't lie when they said it was a Royal Jelly Shield. And the Force Buckler is cute, too.
I can't wait for the armor art to get updated ^^ I have ~15 armor recipes ready to be crafted plus another 10 more in my inventory ^^