Gunner Gear
I stopped playing quite a long time ago (prob a couple of years) and most of my friends seemed to have stopped too haha.
I was wondering if anyone could help tell me what do t3 gunner players use these days? Probably a solo/speed runner gunner gear (so lonely)

In short: chaos and/or bk set.
But you'll find that those sets don't restrict you to using only one weapon type.

Volcanic Salamander. The goal of gunners has become the systematic elimination of slimes in fiery areas. This slimy genocide is due to an internal hatred of slimes felt by gunners everywhere.

See Release/all on the wiki to read about the gunner update in late 2014. Some big changes were:
* A new line of Padded gunner armor, with 36 different combinations of offensive bonuses, status resistances, and damage protections.
* You can now move at full speed while charging any gun.
* Magnus-line guns have an improved charge attack, which is a little hard to use because of its knockback.
* Catalyzer-line guns were drastically altered and are now widely despised. (I was never an expert in them, so I don't have an opinion.)
About armor, consider reading the Handgun section of my armor guide. Basically it comes down to Chaos, Black Kat, Seerus, and maybe Padded or Shadowsun.
About guns, I always recommend the charge-heavy ones: magnuses, autoguns, and alchemers. They are both powerful and fun to use. Alchemers have great regular attacks too.

Full BK + SSB + Alchs (depending on level) + specialized gun for the area (ex. blitz for vana or riftlocker for beasts)
Chaos + SSB + Iron Slug chargespam
They both pretty much shred anything.
Google it, many people have asked "what's the new meta", "speedrun gear for _____", "best gunner layout for _____" post-gunner update
(Dont use the built in forum search, that doesn't work)