Hello all! So just a few questions about about the tabard of the black Rose and it's matching hat. How often do these rare items show up and what does the pricing usually look like? I know it's going to be alot I was just hoping some one could give me a close range. The other item I was curious about is the snarbloax pup reskin for the battle sprite. How often and how much?
Tabard of the black Rose and sprite reskin
Sun, 05/01/2016 - 21:11
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 15:32

I'm a Valkyrie
The only other possible way to get them is probably through Surprise boxes. I know you can get sprite boxes from them, but I don't know about tabards and chapeaus. And even then you may not get what item you want...or even the right box.
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 16:04

Not quite, Angel. Surprise boxes have a specific pool of boxes you can get depending on which year the surprise box was released.
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 17:09

I have my doubts about whether black rose sets exist any more, actually. They occasionally auction one but that's also incredibly rare of an occurrence and there has been player backlash when it does happen. I'd estimate them to be around 200-300 dollars per set? The real trouble is finding one for sale though-- like I said, I have doubts about whether you can even find a set.
Neither the black rose set nor the snarblepup pod are available anymore at this time except from other players.
The black chapeau and black tabard were part of one of the first promotions of Spiral Knights, they are very, very old items. I think they may have shown up on featured on the Auction House a couple times but otherwise, they aren't readily available. I haven't seen either of those items for sale for a /very/ long time and if they somehow do show up for sale again, their prices will be sky high.
The snarblepup maskeraith pod was a part of the spritely promotion, which gave out various colors of dragon wings, cat tails as well as various sprite reskins. The snarblepup pod was the 1% item from that promo box and as such, are also rather hard to come by. There are a few for sale but they are very expensive, over 50k E in price.