85 Tips from Blaze

Hey everyone it's me. A nobody. Since the wiki is lacking in pictures, the only way to educate skrubs, I have made a list of tips because I was bored. Don't fall asleep.
0. Moonstone and Valestone are useless.
1. Change your forum avatar by going to Forum Preferences.
2. Chromalisks are lame. They suck.
3. Snarbolax's unpredictable patterns lead to people wasting the bell. Wait until he does his bite attack before you hit the bell.
4. Kleptolisks steal your stuff.
5. Treasure Vaults have Kleptolisk in them.
6. Bombs, Caliburs, and Brandish charges are great ways to destroy Dust Bunnies.
7. Charge your attack before stepping on party buttons. You gotta be vigilant.
8. If you don't like compounds then run past everything.
9. The autogun has a piercing variant that destroys Beasts.
10. Drakon abilities may seem bland but they get better down the line.
11. I've never used a Drakon above Level 16 before so don't take my word for it.
12. The big trees known as Lumbers have a cooldown on their attacks. Try not to recklessly run right in front of their heavy blow and just circle them until they attack.
13. Rockets from rocket puppies can be sliced.
14. A Pink Love Puppy can rarely replace turrets. They heal you. They share love and it's probably a sin to kill them.
15. Do not reactivate Friendly Mecha Knights or Mecha Turrets with energy. It's a waste that doesn't earn you profit.
16. Battlepod Shields are not breakable by you! Stop attacking Shields and thinking they'll shatter!
17. Tier 2 and above Mecha Knights Shield themselves from attacks. If a comrade is shooting one then go for it's back.
18. Mecha Knights will randomly malfunction and shock nearby people. Shock is annoying.
19. When shocked try to focus more on evading than shielding to not take a minimal amount of damage.
20. The weak scuttlebots are basically robotic chromalisks. If they are hit with a good attack (preferably a sword) they will get stunlocked.
21. When facing off against the Roarmulus Twins, assign switch duties to one person to use the switches. Make sure that NO ONE else touches the switches unless orders are given.
22. Zombies stop their breathing attack if they take damage.
23. Zombies will rarely randomly grab onto you and start biting you from hitting you.
24. Howitzer heads annoying you? Shoot them down. They can and will be destroyed from a few shots.
25. When raising your shield, nearby enemies get bumped back. This doesn't work with the Proto Shield however.
26. If all of your important equipment is cursed, use your Battle Sprite!
27. A 3-star shadow sword will do more damage than a 2-star normal Handgun against the undead and Fiends.
28. Scarabs will attack in a straight line, so try to hit them from the sides.
29. Every floor you receive an emergency revive, unless you were incapacitated in the last floor.
30. Grim Totems revive killed zombies in their radius. If there are multiple then cram them all in one corner.
31. The Maskerwraith's Shadow Cloak is especially useful for getting out of a tight spot. Just remember that taking damage or picking up an object disables it. Barriers and shields are fine to use.
32. If you want some damn orbs, then do Elite!
33. Gremlin Knockers and their variants can stun themselves. If they're about to screw up, they'll have a circle of spikes instead of a cone.
34. Don't forget to use Battle Sprite Skills, Barriers, and Vials.
35. Demos are extremely annoying Gremlins. Try to kill them fast before they surround you with mines.
36. Menders are more annoying-er. In Tier 3 they can revive fallen allies, including other menders.
37. Seraphynx's Angelic Aura is good for protecting your party. However, people usually forget that they have it available in a pinch.
38. Thwackers stun you, which sucks. If you want to kill them easily and stay mostly intact, try sword charges.
39. If you didn't notice, Fire status ignores your shield.
40. Poisoned enemies take damage when an ally tries to heal them. Use this to your advantage.
41. Thwackers and the office jerks known as Devilites will dodge gunfire.
42. Jelly cubes always attack towards where you are, not where you were.
43. Letting Lichens fuse is okay, as there's a bigger target and the loot is unaltered. They'll just do it anyway if you don't like letting it happen.
44. In the Royal Jelly Palace, mini jellies are NOT mandatory to kill and are small targets, so don't waste your time attacking them.
45. Standing on closed spike grates during an intense battle is a method to survival that some people don't use.
46. Do not try to walk across spike grates with your shield. They'll just close by the time you get across.
47. Dashing across spikes does not work.
48. Oilers gain Elemental resistance and fire affinity when burnt by anything, but are extinguished by ice, and Quicksilvers spaz out and fly everywhere when shocked. Ice Cubes are unfrozen by fire but refrozen by ice. Ice Cubes lose their dangerousness once thawed.
49. Any hits that would otherwise incapacitate you will leave you at 1 HP, or what's known as Sonic Mode. Don't expect that having just 2 HP is gonna save you, though.
50. Keys, Heavy Statues, and incapacitated allies can be used as cover against enemy turrets.
51. Glop Drops and their variants damage you by touching you as a spiked form. Try not to recklessly melee them.
52. Devilites will fly away from pit bosses in an attempt to escape getting promoted.
53. If you didn't notice, T2 and above Greavers leave a status mist after attacking. Generic Greavers leave a status mist.
54. Trojans focus on one player, and don't attack if the player keeps them distracted enough.
55. Shield Bashing is not faster than running.
56. Standard Jelly Armor up to Royal Jelly SUCKS and is barely better than Cobalt, protecting against one status effect. Wolver is good because of the Sword ATK Bonus and a Status that is annoying-er. Probably.
57. Swords do more damage than guns. Most of the time.
58. Nobody cares about Sleep.
59. Vanaduke is easily beaten with a Blitz Needle and a Shivermist Buster.
60. Remedy Capsules and Health Capsules are essential to clockworks survival.
61. Guns have trouble working at point-blank range.
62. Weapons without status effects do more damage than their status variants.
63. Stop attacking invincible enemies you morons!
64. Stop attacking dying enemies you morons!
65. Shadow Lair is the Lair of the Swarm Bosses, which have 1-2 Status Effects in their arsenal.
66. Ironclaw Rockets have a blast radius. So don't think you're safe just by dodging one.
67. Calibur charges can do a triple hit with its charge attack against turrets and cornered enemies.
68. A decent source of Advanced Orbs is the mission Time Enough at Last, and a good source of Elite Orbs is Sewer Stash, first depth.
69. Iceburst brandish and it's upgrades are less likely to deal high damage to enemies, due to the fact that ice stops a target from being knocked back from the charge.
70. Spur only goes up to 4 Stars.
71. The ghosts of Candlestick keep, Grimalkins, can be easily dashed and bashed through.
72. Enemies that don't drop money or supplies probably aren't worth killing unless you need to kill them to advance.
73. In Firestorm Citadel, you can douse yourself by throwing a water globe at a nearby wall.
74. Theres no health sharing revives.
75. Minerals are shared throughout the party. A person that picks up a Small Dark Matter will give out 1 Dark Matter to the party when the floor ends.
76. Enemies cannot inflict the sleep status.
77. Bombers be careful. Nitronome and Big Angry Bomb can temporarily disorient allies.
78. A Lv10-4★ weapon will deal more damage than a Lv5-5★ weapon.
79. Continuing on #78, The rare 5-Star Radiant Fire Crystals are really rare, only being found on Stratum 6 and even so, you need a lot to level up your weapons.
80. It's a terrible idea to roll the dice in the forge. Go for the 3x Multiplier so you don't accidentally waste your fire crystals.
81. Prestige only gives bragging rights.
82. Punch, the gremlin smith in the Bazaar can add a Unique Variant to your equipment for 20k-1UV, 75k-2UV, or 225k-3UV. This is useful for weapons as you can potentially get an Attack Speed Increase, one of the best(or it is the best) UVs for a weapon.
83. If I repeated something then you shouldn't remind me.
84. Don't stand in front of a monster that's about to attack. Please.
85. Never buy Eternal Orbs of Alchemy with CE. It's a waste of money and when you're mega powerful orbs in your arsenal will start gathering dust.
BONUS TIP: If you ask for help on weapons Bopp will find you and give you a link. And then the rest of the community will tell you about Chaos Cloak and Black Kat Kowl.

If pictures are the only way to educate skrubs, and that is why you created this, then this is worthless because it has no pictures.

Here's a picture of my beautiful face. It's on the left.
I educated you skrubs about forum avatars.

@No.48 You should also add that Ice cubes can be "melted" and refrozen by fire and ice attacks. The oilers can also be "put out" with ice attacks.

@Smithia - I'm saying that you can use Barriers and stay cloaked, but not other things.

You can use any pickup during cloak and not break it, ofc, there is no real point running around with a vial above your head while cloaked...
Shiled bash also doesn't stop the cloak, and it'll do more dmg if you have the deadly ultimate.
Now make a video showing all of this!