What small detail took you far too long to notice?

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Fangel's picture

Also if you have any small thing you discovered on your own and it blew your mind feel free to share that.

It took me about a year or two to notice that the timed explosive blocks have an animation of a timer on them (not the number display).

Due to creative efforts lately I've discovered a few other things, such as that lovely, verdant, dusky, and military color schemes are just hue shifts of each other. I also discovered that the sanctuary music has a very faint whitespace swarm music playing slowly and softly in the background.

Delecated's picture

What seems to be Deconstruction Zones in the skybox (skysphere?).

It took a long gaze off of one of the Dark City's broken roads for me to actually notice them.

Fangel's picture
oh i played around a bit more with the soundtrack

Playing around a bit more with the soundtrack I sort of stumbled across something.

For one, crash site and the spiral knights main theme are two parts of the same song. Granted crash site is like, 0.3 seconds shorter than the main theme, so properly looping them over each other takes a bit of effort to make them sound right.

Now, whitespace ambient has a similar relationship with whitespace swarm. If you play these over each other, they sound like they're one song. Heck, in the official soundtrack that Harry Mack composed, whitespace ambient, whitespace swarm, and unknown passage are all involved in composition.

Now all of you at home might have noticed that whitespace ambient and the main theme are similar in sound. However if we follow the same process of music stuff, whitespace swarm is a remix of crash site. I verified it in audacity setting both bits to be 118 seconds long and yup, same song.

I just find it kind of fitting that the first song we hear upon crashing on cradle is also the same theme we hear as we're fighting through arguably the hardest content in the endgame.

Abelisk's picture

"haven 365-448812-00101"








ATEDEFHMISURBLOYNCAEAQNAETOGEHT (Skipping stones only to return once more)

Midnight-Violet's picture
Oh yeah!

In the third floor of FSC, on the left of the forked path later on (one with the two party switches). In the room where the key's at, if you look very closely to the far left against a wall, you'll see a missing piece of the wall. Guess they forgot a piece of the tileset there on accident, dunno if they ever went and fixed that.

Also if I remember correctly, the Unknown Passage music when the swarm appear has the battle music playing on top of the stage music also playing. Always thought that was a little odd but interesting.

Jazzberry-Jam's picture
The fact that there is a moon

The fact that there is a moon orbiting the artificial planet and yet nobody has mentioned anything about it anywhere in the lore. Is that artificially made too? If so, why? What is it's purpose? Why is it there? What is there? Cheese? Mmmm....

Also, the fact that there's a snipe bathing in cake frosting ontop of the cake masks that the strangers are wearing during the anniversary. Those snipes are living the life~

Sonosuke's picture

When in Haven, your shield isn't parallel to your Knight’s body. It's actually hanging sort of at an angle. This is more noticeable with the longer shields.

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard

I thought that Acheron was called Archfiend, then Archeron. Whoops.

I also didn't know why Basil needed to exist for a while.

And when I got my first Flourish I thought that Gremlins and Undead were weak to it.

Smithia's picture
Roarmulus Twins

It took me about a year to see that the rockets (that they were shooting) were making the twins fall down.
Isn't it kinda stupid that they shoot the rockets at each other?
After I found out, I kept on trying to use my own missiles (Artillery Strike), but it wouldn't work (-_-;)
I still hate those twins... (I have Warhammer and Peacemaker (Probably the best weapons(?) ) )

Ultimaximus's picture

Really interesting music insights.. Reminds me of how the Super Mario World songs are all variations of the same melody.

Makes me wish they'd add new music to SK.. The same level and battle themes gets tiring with how much grinding we're asked to do.

Imorri's picture

A small detail that took me far too long to notice, is the fact that within the various LD minimaps, the capture points are actually numbered and categorized by small dots on their location-based icons. Almost throughout all the years I had previously been a dedicated LD player (2011-2015), I had always numbered and categorized the capture points by reading their location-based icons left to right across the entirety of the minimap (in the same way that you would read a sentence or a paragraph), while completely dismissing that they had the little dots on them, thinking subconsciously that it was just part of the art style or something. No wonder I've lost so many GvG's.

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
I have one

It took a few years to find out about the backgrounds showing the clockworks made of biospheres set into shelves on columns

Or maybe that doesnt count, I noticed it the second I turned on high graphics in a clockwork tunnel for the first time, never went back to low

Defeat's picture
been playing the game since

been playing the game since day 1. Just learned last week that you can dash through gremilkins to make them disappear.. haha oops!

Fangel's picture
Fun fact about that one:

There's a lot you can do to bait grimalkins to bite. The ones I use frequently are the dash, hammer dash, shield bash, and lastly just walking into bite range and then immediately out of it.

As long as you aren't in the grimalkin's face when it bites down you're pretty much fine.

Abelisk's picture

Defeat: WHAT

Yeah, I played through the

Yeah, I played through the missions when they were released and stopped for a while. I didn't find out about dashing or shield bashing until I followed a friend through the new tutorial.

Qwez's picture

On some weapons eg. Tortofist, DA, Brandish where you can continue the attack combo after using the charge attack. If you link the charge attack into a shield-cancel, you can continue into the 2nd attack of the combo instead of the 1st attack of the combo. It's pretty useless though. You normally can't connect the attack after the charge attack. You can do it for DA but the timing is really strict for that.

Sipsy's picture

I didn't know the BTB had a trail like the FF until I got a new computer.

Xaurian's picture

In a similar twist to the post above, I never knew the Rose Tabards had trailing cloth until I set my graphics up to High for curiosity's sake.

Sonosuke's picture

I just noticed the Metal Sonic Suit has pointed shoulder pads

Neekkoth's picture
Key features...

The clockworks actually changing the next depth if you waited long enough. I assumed the path was random and the real time changing was dropped with gate powering.

Jenovasforumchar's picture
Happy Birthday

I started playing exactly 7 days before the Mission System got published.

on SK's 4th Birthday I finally noticed the 'missspelled' danger Mission Name (which is in German far away from obvious) ,,Ein Gremlin in gewalkiger Not" (engl: 'A Gremlin in knead').

And just recently on its 5th birthday I finally noticed that Grat has that purple Jelly on its head. Oooooh, that explains soo much - exspecially why the Player Team suddenly trusts Groat out of a sudden after brutally mixer-attacked by it... :o

Poothis's picture
Those graphic settings.

I feel like quite a few things I never noticed were because I had graphics on low for WAY too long. So until recently when Gatrnerd
said that Tabards show the trailing cloth on high graphics (So that's where they went, I knew about the cloth, just didn't know how to get them back), and then I saw the little Haven symbol on the floor of spawn in the main square.

Umbra-Lunatis's picture
ooh i got some

Kora is female
Bechamel is male
Hahn has shifty (?) eyes, and a green personal color
In the middle of a Spookat bite attack, it looks like a cupcake from a certain angle
The Divine Mantle's shoes have spirals on the bottom
The CE-powered gates have a red console around them whilst in Compatibility Mode
I thought that Lumbers dealt normal damage for a long time
Nature Sprites seem like a combination of a Devilite and a t3 maskeraith
The Purple personal color is the closest match to the Crest of Almire's sash color.
"Storming the Fortress" and "Sky island Skirmish" have the same basic percussion
Cradle's model is somewhat 3D, but also one-sided
The Kat Claw coloration is inverse to that of Dusker, both being offshoots of Heavy
The Polaris's regular shot actually comes out from above the gun's barrel
The Knight in t3 terminals that explains Shadow Lairs repeats a paragraph of text
There is a possibility that Warmaster Seerus is secretly King Dedede
The Crimson Order symbol on Herex's sleeve has a black mark on one of the nine teeth
Slime matter was described in a Node promo as being inedible. However, this is disproved by the Rock Jelly Shield's description.
The Stranger model is also the basis for the Apocrean Harvester, sharing the same animations
It is probably impossible to use the Overcharged Mixmaster in cooking, as washing it would be hazardous
The Pit Boss line, "Go ahead and come in on Sunday", is ingenious because 1)it's undesirable overtime, and 2)working on sunday is seen as sacrilege in certain faiths, and due to their demonic nature it's only natural that Pit Bosses would request that.
Ground sigils come in purple(fiend), white(Sol'fork), red(Almirian graveyard), and blue(Moorcroft Manor)
Tubes containing colored liquid are only fully graphically functional in Compatibility Mode
There are large holes behind certain NPCs in the Arcade
In the sunny portion of the Arcade, Grasping Aura trails appear pink instead of purple
The Celestial Shield resembles the Fierce Deity sword
I imagine Lieutenant Feron to have the voice of Rick from Portal 2. Go ahead, just try to prove me wrong on this one
The Drakon is the only one of the three base sprites that is not a ghost
The Maskeraith's eye glow changes in size when choosing the second Ultimate mask
Almirians were a naturally large race, as seen by the coffins in Legion of Almire
According to the Metal Sonic set, there is a very large chance that the Sonic universe exists in tandem with the Spiral Knights one

To add to the "go ahead and

To add to the "go ahead and come in on Sunday" thing, it's a reference to the movie office space.

Umbra-Lunatis's picture

i figured as much, and that's neat as well.
Thing is though, the whole "demon" scenario gives it a neat double meaning, cause i doubt you're gonna see a Firebrander attending sermon

Fehzor's picture

Gate rotation is actually based on the idea that the levels are in fact on rotating disks. Gates twist, and then the elevator takes a bit to re-link itself, and then you can go down. The time it takes for levels to change however is based on how fast the disks are rotating and can vary greatly- especially when you're at a subtown, which does not rotate. In a lot of areas you can see the overarching gate mechanism in the background- a stack of rotating gears.

This also means that the "next level" is different for everyone on different levels but the same for everyone on the same level. So if I'm on a wolver den and you're on a construct level on the same disk, the next level rotates for both of us at the same time and is never the same.

Jenovasforumchar's picture

...unless the disc below you got larger parts.

- E.g.: you are Standing on a 5/5 disc and below you is a 3/3 disc. The connected parts of the 5/5 disc have a good chance to land in the same part below.

Umbra-Lunatis's picture

Actually, that just means that some of the biospheres within the gate aren't up and running. Ever notice how some aren't lit up in Clockwork Tunnels skybox pillars?

Fuhrerious's picture

There's a point when you cannot make any changes in the room after hitting the switches after standing on the party button. turns out you can -
AFTER finishing that little course before the fight with the different music.

OR THROW VIALS AT THE SWITCHES parallel to the 1st fight part( notice the 2 unused , unreachable switches in both the top corners of the battle map)

i hope you all understand what I'm trying say.


(BTW don't do it while soloing, you might get trapped like I did. luckily,i had 4-6 vials at that time.)ITS VERY VERY COOL. GOTTSA TRY IT OUT!

Krakob's picture

Fangel's beautiful, beautiful eyes!

Just checked out the

Just checked out the whitespace music one and it's actually creepy how much the two songs enhance each other when both played at the same time :o

Fangel's picture

I mentioned it in my earlier post, but if you want it, here's the OST composition Harry Mack made for swarm music.