I just wanted to say a few words or two. Many people say this game is dead. Now, lets look at why~
-The game has dank updates with new cosmetics. YAY. reskins.
-The game is extremely broken with gear balances
-So many bugs.
-Player base is going down
-Energy prices are going up, less people are paying for energy
Now, theres many examples for a lot of these.
There hasnt been a major update with gear and gameplay. The only new thing are some cosmetics since 2014. The gunner update was so hyped up, and it was so exciting when i first heard about it, but in the end it was so underwhelming for something said to be so big. The gunner update took around a year for literally around 2 or 3 new guns. The rest were just reskins with different damage properties, ie the rift locker which is just a yellow valiance with piercing damage. Other guns are the same things except for a few things like the dark chaingun or whatever.
The gear unbalances are pretty high if you do realize, there is a huge difference between a gray feather set which provides a normal average defense and no bonuses, while a skolver set is pretty much the same yet there is a damage bonus of medium on it.
The bugs in this game, well, we can for sure say theres a lot. I still cant see moorcraft manor, and its invisible, the dang mixmaster gun can shoot through walls, THROUGH WALLS! what is the point of even having them if players have this gun? There is so much more, but im too dumb to remember anything. Hopefully someone does so they can add unto thy thread.
I understand your ranting, but please give Gray Havens time. They're still dealing with all the assets. Like, seriously. For right now, the best way to deal with the game is just to play it and have fun. If you think about it too unrealistically(such as gear imbalance; it's true, but it's already said and done that some gear is better than others), then you might not be having fun.
Also, about Energy prices. They froze at 11,599 I believe, but I want to at least be happy that there are orb drops in this game. Why? Because if not we'd be having the worst economy in gaming at this time if everything was bought with Energy.