Hi, I'm a new player to Spiral Knights, and I was wondering earlier when I encountered my first mission, there were three game modes, named normal, advanced, and elite, I'm assuming that these preferences make the game harder as you go up
But I was wondering, which game mode should I start off early in the game? Should I go normal, advanced, or elite? However; I know that the amount of money (crowns in the game I'm assuming) increases from enemies
Yes, rewards go up with difficulty. See here. Crowns on Normal are 33% less than crowns on Elite. Crowns on Advanced are 16% less than crowns on Elite.
From 2011/04 to 2013/07, there was only one difficulty level, which we now call Advanced. This is the difficulty, on which the game was designed to be played. Arguably Advanced should be called "Regular", Normal should be called "Easy", and Elite should be called "Difficult".
My recommendation is that you play on Elite, until you start spending Sparks of Life. Then play on Advanced, until you start spending Sparks of Life. Then play on Normal. Then try Elite again. Basically, play on the most difficult setting that doesn't frustrate you. Cheers.