Hey guys, just trying to connect with some of the original beta players besides myself. I mean always cool to meet the others who've joined this game post beta. If anyone is up for doing arcade runs, etc. Add me on Alchemical.
Thanks :)
Hey guys, just trying to connect with some of the original beta players besides myself. I mean always cool to meet the others who've joined this game post beta. If anyone is up for doing arcade runs, etc. Add me on Alchemical.
Thanks :)
Howdy Howdy, I didn't know there were any left of us... Nice to see some really old school SK players out there! Add me, its Arbitergomez
O: Beta players still exist! I, sadly, am not a beta player as I only learned about SK shortly after the release on Steam, 3 or so days after. |D I probably would've played SK a lot sooner if I had heard of it.
Awesome! I'm so glad :D I fell off and on for the past few years, I kept being thrown off because of how hard it was to grind to try and catch up on both gear and looks. I didnt realize now the huge changes before GH took over. OOO really took this far but I'm scared of GH removing a lot (probably not but possibly).
Honestly, Just hope the game progresses more :3 Be totally cool if they make the core into some sort of alternate dimension portal.
"Be totally cool if they make the core into some sort of alternate dimension portal."
Yeah... About that...
/e Looks at 10-2 missions
Sadly im not a beta player, although i started SK before the Sparks of Life update, you know with the mist energy system thingy, i hope that counts ><
I miss the days where we can drop pills and items to teammates, also reviving them at the cost of half of current hp which encourages teamwork. Here's hoping the game will progress better! Yay Grey Havens, long live Spiral Knights!
Hey, beta people! Maybe we should have some big re-union party or something.
I have been playing since release but only because my friends told me about the game, just like you sciger I totally would have started earlier if I had known of its existence! haha, so white rose set check, beta armor, * leaves blank* ;-;
I have been playing since 2011, but I deleted my account, and made a new one names "Thagx". I would love to have arcade runs, its rare to find people doing fun stuff these days. I remember when people would just hang out in haven and spend time in the Advance Training Hall
I'm really happy to see beta player, i've not seen any beta player for months! Add me, i'm Sebastian-Fantom.
I'm one, do I count? Oh... right... *slinks off* :-p
I have several screenshots of Beta Players I think still on my computer,kind of made a hobby of taking screen shots of BP's when I seen them
tfw beta players got to fight turtles and i've only ever seen them through fileviewing and the hellish miniboss rooms
@Umbra-Lunatis Hey, I know you...
Cronus come baccckkk you should come adventuring with the beta players and make sure to bring your crowbar too!
Cronus come baccckkk
Please don't encourage him! Seriously! I can attest from first hand knowledge that he is happier chasing around fellow knights with his crowbar than attacking monsters :/
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The only counter to Crowbar wielders are other crowbars!
Hera, if Chronus comes back with a Crowbar, can you smack him for us?
@Topic: One of the funny things about the old Trotodrones was that they dropped their 4* shields fairly often and were guaranteed spawns in one specific level. While Trotodrones were really powerful (and fast!), they could be lured into a wall and then you could shoot them to death. Back in the beta, I remember not crafting a shield because I wanted to grab one of theirs.
Also, crafting an item automatically unbound it. That meant that a TON of people would be selling 5* items, and while they were expensive, it meant that any player could easily get T3 gear from other players. It also meant that someone could hit T3 in a matter of hours if other players were generous enough. Fortunately, that changed!
Also, Cold Iron Carver/Vanquisher were glitched. You'd build a 2* Calibur and then you could turn it directly into a 4* Carver, skipping that 200 Energy cost. I remember building one for a friend because the last thing they needed was a T3 weapon. The Cold Irons were a trade-off; the Cold Iron Vanquisher was considered inferior to Levi. (And I think it still is? I'm not sure if the charge changed since then. I think it has.)
Also, a long time ago, Brandishes ended at 4* and were considered utter crap. That's obviously changed. :P
Game Masters, veritable reality benders, chasing eachother around with crowbars. That's hilarious
Question for those who are: What was it like fighting hellish monsters like Slooms and Tortodrones in normal levels?
I never got to fight Slooms, sadly. But I did manage to find and kill a Tortodrone in a Deconstruction Zone once. The Tortodrone was passive at first, just walked around placidly like the trail of them did in the end of the event here in modern times. But if you dared attack it... suddenly it would go berserk and light up with all the infernal energy of the enemies you fight now. The change was abrupt and exciting in a somewhat spooky way. I sadly don't remember much about its attack patterns so I can't say much about how the combat measured between now and then. But they had all the bells and whistles of the modern variety I'm pretty sure, though their attacks and movements could be limited by the random layout of the area they spawned in, making the "arena" an important aspect in determining the difficulty.
And like Autofire said, they dropped the 4* shield Stone Tortoise. I'd need others to confirm me on this, but I believe that the turtle shell shield line was actually one of the best in the game back then. I recall seeing a number of recorded Vanaduke runs from the era taking place with all parties whipping their Divine Avengers and Argent Peacemakers around wildly, brandishing big turtle shields to the man. So defeating a Tortodrone and claiming the shield off its body was actually pretty valuable.
Cronus must return.
Cronus must destroy the world.
I played some of the end of the open beta, I guess. I wouldn't have expected beta players to be terribly rare.
So many of us quit rashaln, its hard to find some.
*Raises hand* wassup oldies, it's been a while hasn't it?
Long time, long time. But not long enough to wipe us out it seems!
Yeah, I guess it took me five years to come back, so it's not too surprising. Pleasant to be back, though.
Beta boyz! Remember when there were over a half dozen Havens at red dots? Thems were the days.
I used to craft Levi blades to sell for all the crowns back in tha day.
You sold them to basil for 30k, and made it for 800 CE/mist?
The non-bound ones. Whatever the 3 star variety was called. Something Calibur? It's been a year and a half since I touched the game, sorry.
I thought you were selling 5-star Leviathan Blades, before the 2011-05-17 update that made upgrades of bound items bound. This is a thread about beta, after all.
Yes, and back then items were not bound so I crafted higher level blades and sold them? I don't understand where your confusion is stemming from. Then again I don't know how the current game works so???
My confusion is this:
* Your post #28 seems to say that you sold 5-star Leviathan Blades, which could be made non-bound before 2011-05-17.
* Your post #30 seems to say that you sold 3-star Tempered Caliburs because they were non-bound. I took this to mean, "as opposed to higher-star items, which were bound". Based on this and the "year and a half" bit, I thought that you were talking about the game after 2011-05-17.
* Your post #32 reinforces post #28.
I'm not trying to argue with you or to criticize you. I just had a hard time understanding what your post #30 means, apparently.
I played the game after binding and crystals came out, when I came back after a while not playing, and for some reason thought we were talking about how I crafted for crowns past when binding was released. Because the dude mentioned making for 800, selling for 30k, but they sold for more then 30k on the market.
Then again I pretty much funded my CE via the fluffy tails or whatever. Crafting mats used to be worth quite a bit when there were energy costs.
Well Dalast, that was because they changed how materials drop. Certain monsters dropped certain mats, now entire families drop a large amount of mats, thus making tons of them common. Prior to the battle sprite update, I made a living off of farming wolver materials and maybe getting that occasional plasma cell to sell for 5k cr. It worked well since I could easily get the mats and sell in bulk for a bit per. It wasn't a lot but hey, it got me cr. Ofc, when the material market changed, all the mats flattened out in price depending on star so.
Well lets see here... I know me, Rainyblue, and Smoke are Beta Testers that still poke our heads in once in awhile depending on how life is.
Anyone remember energy UNDER 5k? *feels alone at times*
I miss the old Sun Shards, back when bombs had a normal attack.
It was damn broken, but it was damn fun!
Not a beta player, but started playing shortly after release for the TF2 promo hat. I ended up liking the game so much and playing it alongside instead of leaving like the majority of people who played to get it.
Just started playing again yesterday, and now people won't stop commenting on my Green chap and tabard. It hides that I'm poor and have only 2 good weapons. Shhh...
Wow, another Beta! I feel like we've gotten to be a fairly rare breed after all that's happened. Glad to see you at least are still here, maybe we can play sometime. I'm not amazing at the game part, but I love the Clockworks and I fancy myself a decent defensive gunner.