You live on some floating island, where you live in a giant turret, the island next airspace has two people running and living at an orangeade stand, and things are both technological and illogical.
I am Voltic, a talking Alpha Voltail that will be with you in your techno-surreal adventures. My attacks are:
Bite Combo: My bites come in groups of three, much like a three-swing sword can do three swings before it needs to rest. My bites also track like a missile and can inflict with Shock like faulty machinery.
Sonic Bark: If I am in need of doing so, my bark can be truly worse than my bite. Stun, Normal damage, AND a chance for Shock.
Electro Lick: It may be cute, but a correctly honed Alpha Voltail's lick can be the most SHOCKING experience.
Volt Tail: An attack ALL proper Voltails need. Voltail=Volt+tail.
Characters to start with:
Voltic: Monsterbrine
Karen and Sarah: (Non Playable Characters (run the orangeade stand (doesn't appear till later, means Karen/Sarah appear to main characters with stand)) who strangely act together, in unison (suspect either a psychic/magic symbiotic relation, or one controlling the other (one might be the most advanced android in existence))
Mechanak: A robot who needs someone to play as him (basic ability: Scan). (Blazecat-Percival)
Kevin: A teenage boy who needs an owner (basic ability: Roundhouse Kick). (FILL HIM ASAP)
Marvin: Similar to Kevin, but is part dragon (basic ability: Firebolt). (empty)
Kira: A teenage girl (Basic Ability: Ptera Shriek (Watch Power Rangers Dino Thunder, Kira in that story line has it)). (empty)
Maria: A teenage girl with the ability to heal her cohorts. (empty)
Bosses: NPCs (introduced to give players a challenge)
If an ability is used, then the results will be posted by me, because how do you know what happens? I am Voltic/NPCs/Data.
Futuromancy Island Super Simulator Under Reasonable Energies (F.I.S.S.U.R.E.)
Karen tells Sarah, "So, if someone attempts to attack you, what do you do?"
Sarah responds, "Sheild with my Forcefeild. But what do I do if this happens when my Forcefeild is 'dead'?"
Karen exclaims in fear, "RUN!!!!!!!!!"
A laser drone chases them.
Sarah suddenly pulls out Forcefeild, but Forcefeild loses 75% of it's health from the laser and the crashing drone.
Someone randomly walks up, takes some Orangeade, and leaves 18000..... Pennies!?
Matik, after all you did to my other game, Planet Fortress, I am going to have to reject your wish to play Kevin.
I did nothing to you, only I was enjoying the game so much I wanted to bring it back to play further.
If I can't play as Kevin then I go play as Marvin.
P.S. If you try to pull out a Fight-Beetle on me and ban me from your games then it won't be good.
EDIT: On a side note, I have come to a conclusion that your statement is invalid. You do realize that you are discriminating me? You do realize that not only you think you are above the rules like my friend Kian (which at least tried to comply) but you are also discriminating a single person like Fight-Beetle did to me?
I didn't ruin PF1, I just said that I am not going to play your version because you keep on attacking in all directions. And you take my post as a ruining post and you decided to end the game because I ruined your game.
I didn't make a ruined version of your game, it is only because I enjoyed it (except when you decided to attack). Also, I don't want to speak Spanish to play (you shouldn't even place it in Spanish Gremlin Chatter, you should place it in the Graveyard)
how do you tell the Spanish Graveyard from Spanish Gremlin Chatter?
I chose Spanish for a reason. It protects my game logic from Fight-Beetle.
Spanish Graveyard doesn't exist (yet) and Spanish Gremlin Chatter is for Spanish threads, not English threads that should be put in Graveyard.
Also, I doubt that Fight-Beetle had something to do with your game logic, nor he doesn't look at the Spanish Gremlin Chatter (which you call the "Graveyard"). He is only a dumb person that tells me that I am banned from his threads for his entertainment and to use the "you are acting childish" excuse on me when I ask him what's his issue with me.
Let's get back to the game. So, following all procedures from my previous posts on this thread, you must to let me play as Kevin since I am innocent and I did nothing to your previous game which is Planet Fortress. If you prefer me as Martin then ok. If neither characters are suitable then tell me what one I will claim. (But pls no girls).
is a fiery move that can burn a Roundhouse Kick, so if someone were to corrupt Marvin while you were Kevin, you would be out of luck. But if it were vice versa, you could actually survive.
[Fight-Beetle gets to be an enemy in F.I.S.S.U.R.E.]
[Matikclocker used Lie. Lie misfired and hit Vanguard Poppy.]
I use a flashbackizer to cancel the Lie and I play as Marvin.
Maybe when you said kian tried to comply with rules... (if we're calling out lies)
He probably thinks that you ruined that game (one if them) that in actuality he ran into the ground
Here is what he said that wasn't true:
(which you call the "Graveyard")
So now you know. Now let's change the subject to games. If I coded the game, than the game is mine. Did you know that I consider forum games to have coding?
ERROR: You didn't read the whole sentence.
"Also, I doubt that Fight-Beetle had something to do with your game logic, nor he doesn't look at the Spanish Gremlin Chatter (which you call the "Graveyard")."
How's that a lie?
either because he couldn't answer my question or was angered. In before it lands in the Spanish Gremlin Chatter.
I'll be Marvin.
Why do I have to be part dragon? Can't I be either a Martian or a paranoid android?
(does anyone get either of those references?)
I will be Mechanak before Matik claims it.