Why don't the T3 Blast Cubes do damage when they explode like the lower tier Blast Cubes? (The little bits they drop explode, but the lower tier blast cubes actually explode when they drop them)
Speaking of slimes.. Blast Cubes?

That's how I thought it was when I first started playing. It would be fitting to introduce 2 different mechanics at different tiers and combine them in the highest one, but that's not the case I guess. Wish it was though.

Only the T1 blast cubes explode for damage. the T2 and T3 ones both only spawn bombs.
This is especially strange because I'm pretty sure I remember that T2 and T3 blast cubes used to do damage on explosion...

T2 and T3 indeed used to explode as well, but OOO removed that at some point without explanation or mentioning it in the patchnotes.

Umbra you need to blame OOO for not having the T2 Blast Cubes not spawning Minibikes.

I think they made it so the T3 blast cubes don't explode because some people were griefing their teammates with it. :u

@Sciger: That doesn't make sense because then they wouldn't removed it in T1 as well; griefing noobs is even worse than griefing pros. And I can already grief really easily by sniping bombs, shield bumping things into allies, etc.
I'm guessing is actually a bug related to some new change. The fact that it only occurs when you have the bouncy things is telling.
I think the order was supposed to be:
Tier 1 - Explodes
Tier 2 - Spawns Minibombs
Tier 3 - Explodes and Spawns Minibombs
I think it even said so on the wiki. Maybe they goofed it up, or Im too lazy to actually check facts.