This is my first Gremlin Chatter Thread.
But... uh... Russia Day? Yay?
This is my first Gremlin Chatter Thread.
But... uh... Russia Day? Yay?
Just this Sub-Forums.
And I hope I can have a nice time here in Gremlin Chatter. Thanks Matikclocker!
Did you guys know there's only one country between Norway and North Korea?
I don't remember what happened within Seven hours. I just remember the days of Reds and nostalgia and no work. Oh, yeah, no work for Russia because holiday.
I think our vodka reserves are gone. We'll have to wait next week. You should have other liquors though... Right?
I don't really care about Russia day because I am not in Russia. Not to be racist.
Also, if you're new to the forums, then the first thing you should do is to take a look around and post in some places. And remember to-WAIT A WHILE, you must be new to the forums! Hello and welcome to Gremlin Chatter! My name is Matikclocker, one of off-topic people that likes to play as a robotic knight! You can meet lots of people in here!