False Ban

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Kats-Is-Trash's picture

Ok so the other day i was playing SK and while in an LD match i suddenly get logged off and notice i got Banned for trying to scam ppl? ehm i do not know about this and this was a false report if not please respond and tell me what the report excactly was and by who it was a temporary ban and hope this can be finxed

Matikclocker's picture
Temporary bans expire, right?

unless it's set on a long enough date for it to act like a permaban.

Send a support ticket to Grey Havens (I wonder if you can contact them yet) and ask them if the ban was an accident or intentional. Also, think about your previous trades. Did you do something that's considered scamming? If you don't then appeal to the staff.

Also, false bans aren't bugs. False bans are issued manually, unless the game has a hidden justice system of justice.