Please use it. Browsing this place on mobile devices is a pain right now.
Here are screenshots: Footer redone after some prompting. Header redone after my own initiative.
Here's the CSS:
All of it is wrapped in a media query so that no changes will appear on browser windows larger than 960 pixels.
I use a div + selector a lot because I tested this using chrome extensions, and chrome says that if you try to override an attribute of an existing selector, you're not allowed to. div#id is more specific than just #id, so that worked out.
In addition to using the css file, you will have to put a viewport tag into the head tag somewhere. It looks basically like this:
< meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1" >
The tag tells views that your site design has thought about mobile views and they don't have to zoom out to fit all of the page in.
Some things I chose to hide outright rather than fit into the design. These are:
- Post/topic count on forum index. (Number of replies in forum post index still there.)
- Topic creator on forum post index, which I think is less interesting than last reply.
- Search box. It was not very helpful.
- The Spiral Knights logo itself was an unfortunate victim of the resizing. Due to it being baked into the large background, there's just no way to preserve it correctly. If this is a hindrance to using the CSS for the forums, please get in touch with me and we could discuss a solution.
The extension is hosted on Mozilla's official AMO, for use with Firefox mobile:
It is more or less standard web extension api, so any browsers supporting that should be able to make use of it.
Github repo:
If you accept some nitpicking, personally I would try to rescale the footer logos (percentage based maybe), they don't need to be that big to take almost the whole screen width. They would look better slightly smaller, next to each other.
Also, this is exactly what I was mentioning somewhere else on this forum: the people in the community can actually help! GH only need to let us! We have you as a web page editor, and as far as internet goes there must be at least a few people here with java programming experience to fix the game's bugs.