I love cluster bombs in games, just the chaoticness of it all is fun to watch. But sadly, the crystal bombs havent satisfied my chaos craving so I present the (still uncoloured) prismatech cluster! http://i.imgur.com/L3xHiDc.gifv
So what it does is its basically like the regular alchemers except that it has a very slow attack speed but a strong, large charge attack, which would split into many various sized smaller bullets into random directions. Bigger child bullets would have a split of their own too. they would have their own upgrade line too (cryo, shadow, etc)
also, if anyone here knows how to make textures for blender, please help me, I'll send you the file if you're interested
But seriously...."Prismatech cluster" by NITRONOMER....I was totally expecting chemical gel cluster bomb....That spawns several blobs of gel that explode and split into few smaller blobs. Would be rad if those could stick to enemies.
If you want cluster gun...why dont you get yourself a Tortofist? Pretty much it does what Crystal bombs should. And its attack pattern is quite random.