Hello guys, from the Slime Casino (Or what not) doesn't give you many money options, at max around 150 coins, and coins are about 300 cr. Maybe a more risky but expensive machine might be good hm? Also the prize machine at the end of each level sucks too, but that's free, so I guess that's ok.
A next and more expensive tier of Gambling Machienes
Thu, 06/23/2016 - 19:22

Fri, 06/24/2016 - 04:40

We already have Lockboxes and Punch. Already that is sucking my money up like a sponge :c
Fri, 06/24/2016 - 05:10
Gambling is the culture
Gambling is the culture here. The sheep are the ones who gamble hopelessly. The wolves take advantage of their ignorance and exploit it. I feel no pity for gamblers, they made their choice knowing the consequences completely. If you win, awesome. If you lost, then tough.
I don't understand why you people who still play the game grovel for pennies though. 5k crown rewards, fireworks, love auras, etc. Are nothing to get excited about.
Fri, 06/24/2016 - 06:56

^"Gambling culture?"
May I ask for an elaboration?
I feel as if I've been sleeping under a rock.
The motivation behind your suggestion is not bad, but here is a counterpoint.
Sometimes I wonder whether games like this prey on people who have gambling addictions. The more the game resembles gambling, the more I worry about it. When the prize wheel was added, it was obviously a slot machine, where the entry fee was time. And there are now actual casinos in the game.
Your suggestion seems to be more volatility, meaning more reward and more risk, meaning more gambling. I would like to go in the opposite direction: less reward and less risk. Make the Golden Slime Coins more common, and make their payouts smaller. Or get rid of them altogether.
The big defect in my plan is: F2P MMOs such as Spiral Knights are struggling to work out a business model. Pseudo-gambling seems to be a popular solution. I'm not any kind of business mastermind who has invented a better business model.
By the way, when Grey Havens releases some new content that isn't gambling, I intend to spend $25 on the game. (I haven't spent money on the game since 2012 or maybe even 2011.)