…Really? couldn't let me pick my own username?
You had to force that… headache on me?
You couldn't make it so you need to make an account manually, with the name I want to use, before linking my steam to the account?
No wonder we can't edit the Wiki… It probably can't understand that username.
I can't even find out where I'm supposed to go to fix it…
Anyway, if you can't tell, I don't like having something forced on me because I didn't know ahead of time…
I don't use ubiplay or whatever, because even though the let me change m username, the original name is always staring me in the face on my userpage, the original name that was forced on me.
I am letting you know that this is not good business practice. I would appreciate choosing my own name, please.
The support link for Account Settings just links to the Account Setting page, which doesn't help me at all, and I did not see a help or support category on this forms, so I'm posting this in General Discussions. Please move it, if it is in the wrong category.
Yeah I guess better business practice would be to charge people like you to change their username, perhaps you'll think twice next time. You can still change your knight's name if that's any comfort. Boo-hoo