Whenever I attempt to do it with at least one more party member, it works just fine, even if said party member spent the entire battle on the floor. When I solo, however, the mook on the opposite side of the corner where I'm sitting always "breaks free" from the AI loop and eventually notices me, which leads to a lot of pain that probably shouldn't be there, especially if it's a Mecha Knight. I always bash them in the excact place where they get stuck in a party, quickly dash back to my corner and avoid aggroing the wire tentacles even if the boss aims it's lasers at me. It gets stuck for a second or 2, but then emmediately walks away in my general direction and goes after me. I bash the thing back into its corner when the boss opens up, same deal 2 seconds later.
Am I doing something wrong? Or is it normal for solo?
(Don't know where to put this since it has nothing to do with gear, it doesn't seem like much of a bug, and I'm no new recruit either.)
If they fix this because of you I'm going to be very slightly annoyed every time I go on GitM I will have you know.