Starlight Cradle released in 2011-08-02 and now it's closed because of "hardcore sleep bug". i really loved Sleep themed levels and i'm sure still many of you would like to play Starligh Cradle. Why can't they appear very rarely in arcade or be another slime themed prestige mission like "Pinch of Salt" or just be "event-like" thing like Casino? I hope someday Starlight Cradle still returns.
Starlight Cradle Returns
Thu, 06/30/2016 - 12:48
Sat, 07/02/2016 - 02:59
Combat changes
How about, when player has fallen into sleep, the Sloom(Bargos)/another monsters simply won't attack him/her?
Sat, 07/02/2016 - 10:18
That would make sleep useless more or less. Once inflicted, you are only at danger of collateral damage from your team. If healing is still involved then this makes sleep even less of a risk for knights.
Grudging-Claw made a pretty nifty sleep revamp thread over here. I'd recommend checking that out for ways sleep could be revamped.
Wed, 07/06/2016 - 06:28
Sleep Updating
Pretty good, i guess now we only need to wait for GH to update Sleep and readd Levels and that's all?
Fix sleep, and we'll all enjoy sleep themed levels. Right now it's an abuse-able hardcore freeze status. It really needs something unique before it can be re-implemented as a status again.