Ive been hunting the shield since the announcement was made. I was wondering if any other hunters have some tips. I was running beyond axes of evil for the first days. Now we have a gate that has a decon zone on d22, im farming that with an alt like you would farm black kats. Obviously the best would be a d19 decon zone, but does anyone have some secret spot to farm them whilewaiting for that. When hazardous heist rolls in you can obviously speedrun to the 2nd depth.
And dont tell me i shouldnt waste time on this and that it would probably be better to just farm fsc (which it probably would); im not doing this for the value of the shield. Im hunting it bcos i want to find it, not because i want to have it.
While we wait for the first new shield to pop up, happy hunting :D
Oh ye for past 3 days I've been running OCH first room, guaranteed 6 thwackers/1-2min depends on your killing speed. I've breached around ~4k thwacker kills by now and I'm slowly getting tired.